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What if the 2nd and 5 playcall WORKED

Like A Mofo

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The point is, it didn't work. Who in their right mind would have thought it would have worked to begin with besides Jauron & Schonert and they are both idiots. I could see it coming a mile away. So could the Jets. Mangini said Bills always do one of two things in that situation. Run right or roll out pass left. They had both covered. Anyone surprised JP fumbled? That's all he does is give the ball away. All they had to do was run the ball twice. punt if they don't get the 1st and play defense. If they lose, then they lose. To lose in the worst possible train wreck way, that anybody with any brain functioning at all, saw coming is ridiculous. I also heard it suggested that Jauron was trying to prove a point going back to the Cleveland game when they didn't try and get closer for the winning FG, well, bad time to prove a point and it backfired again. The bad decisions just continue. Jauron lost the NY Jets game because he lost the Cleveland game. Inexcusable. Ralph Wilson is a freakin joke. If he ever paid a real coach and hired a real GM like they had in the late 80's-90's, the 5-1 start would have us on the verge of the playoffs now because they would have beat Cleveland, probably Miami (the first time) and the NY Jets yesterday and probably would not have played as bad against Miami (the 2nd time) and SF. With good coaching and better draft/free agent decisions over the last few years, they would be 10-4 and everyone would be buying playoff tickets. Until Ralph spends on a coach & GM, it will be the same broken record that is has been every year since 2000. The final straw is Jauron allegedly signed his 3 year extension yesterday. I think Ralph is truly senile and needs to have the team taken from him and he should be sent to a home and not a good one.

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What would you all think of DJ and Turk this morning if the 2nd and 5 play call worked and the Bills then ran out the clock and won the game?


It still would have been one the most egregiously stupid calls in the history of the BB.

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"Beat the Bills" is my motto so long as Ralph C. Wilson owns the team. Sorry to all you battered wives who long for your abusive spouse to change, but I hope they never win another game until he's gone.



So, we won't be seeing you here anymore, right? After all, this is a place for Bills' fans.


Or do you plan to remain a troll?

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So, we won't be seeing you here anymore, right? After all, this is a place for Bills' fans.


Or do you plan to remain a troll?

Not sure yet, actually. I enjoy some give-and-take, so I may stick around some. Time will tell...anyway, I thought trolling was hijacking threads with unrelated and off topic nonsense, not simply failing to fall in line with the prescribed cheering interests of the battered wives. Am I wrong?

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Then we're talking about a few things:


  1. The fake punt.
  2. The awesome team effort it took to get Freddy in the endzone.
  3. The swagger JP showed down the stretch- including the penultimate drive.
  4. Beast Mode.
  5. Steve Johnson.
  6. McKelvin's should-have-been return.


The swagger JP showed? Really? I think I'd be talking about how the team played well enough to beat the Jets in spite of their train wreck of a backup QB. Seriously, the guy had 1 solid drive all game, and you are talking about his swagger?

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