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I had heard he had gallstones, but not of this. I think he is sicker than they let on. With this and Castro shattering his knee and arm in a fall, I hope the end is near for these two tyrants.

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Breaking News on FoxNews that Arafat lost consiousness?


Arafat Loses Consciousness, Israeli Radio Reports



Conflicting reports right now, he is conscious but unable to stand on his own. As for the Castro remarks that old sob will probably outlive the children of his worst enemies here in Miami.

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Fret not, JFK has a plan.  <_<



When one looks at all the players, it's not hard to imagine the Kerry camp being behind the explosives story. No one seems to be injecting any common sense into the whole thing, as there isn't time. It's a non-issue, in the grand scope of things, but look where it's gone.


If it works out for him, I sure as hell hope he has a plan. We're pretty well up the creek without a paddle if he doesn't. Too bad he's yet to tell us what his plans are. This week.

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Arafat has no clear successor. Could make things interesting.



Sounds like it's about to.




Doctors were treating him at his Ramallah compound and assessing whether he should be sent to a hospital.


"He is in critical condition, but he's conscious," said Hassan Abu-Libdeh, Cabinet secretary to the Palestinian Authority. "During the last six hours, he has relapsed."


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Breaking News on FoxNews that Arafat lost consiousness?


Arafat Loses Consciousness, Israeli Radio Reports



Hopefully that murdering bastard will not see tommorrow. The world will no doubt be a better place with one less terrorist in it.

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When one looks at all the players, it's not hard to imagine the Kerry camp being behind the explosives story. No one seems to be injecting any common sense into the whole thing, as there isn't time. It's a non-issue, in the grand scope of things, but look where it's gone.


If it works out for him, I sure as hell hope he has a plan. We're pretty well up the creek without a paddle if he doesn't. Too bad he's yet to tell us what his plans are. This week.



His plans are not George Bush's plans, that is all that really matters. Hell, George Bush was the first President to explicitly call for an independent Palestinian State, so I'm just going to assume that's not the end that Kerry wants to work towards.


If Arafat is on his way out, July will pale in comparrison to what is about to unfold.

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His plans are not George Bush's plans, that is all that really matters.  Hell, George Bush was the first President to explicitly call for an independent Palestinian State, so I'm just going to assume that's not the end that Kerry wants to work towards.


If Arafat is on his way out, July will pale in comparrison to what is about to unfold.



You haven't been keeping up with CBS? July is not only old news, but irrelevant.


Who's on Survivor tonight?

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