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MLB player agents react to Obama election

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I appreciate the thinking, but America just voted against that kind of thinking pretty solidly. Actually, it's not that they voted against that thinking so much as they voted for the total opposite. I suggest you pack it in a trunk and lock it up for a while. A long while. But don't mention it aloud as it will draw ridicule and the gratuitous "Oh, boo hoo. Poor rich folks have to share their money. Like they can't afford it. I'm sure America feels sorry for them."


For some people, it's just easier to mock successful people than it is to actually account for their own success.

Have you ever really looked at the top tax rates since the Great Depression?

From 1932 the top rate was from the high 60s and steadily rising to the high 70%s/80%s in the early 1940s and then in the low 90%s in the mid 40s, which lasted through the late 1950s and early 1960s. The 250K would have been over 50% at that time. It got cut to 70% in 1965 by a Democrat and remained at 70% through LBJ and Nixon and Ford and Carter. Reagan started cutting it 16 years later down to 50% which he kept for 5 years until it was lowered to 38.5% in 1987 and 33% (highest rate) in 1988. It started going up to 31% a few years later and in 1993 it went to 39.6 which is what Obama wants. How do you decide what is enough and what is too much?



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Have you ever really looked at the top tax rates since the Great Depression?

From 1932 the top rate was from the high 60s and steadily rising to the high 70%s/80%s in the early 1940s and then in the low 90%s in the mid 40s, which lasted through the late 1950s and early 1960s. The 250K would have been over 50% at that time. It got cut to 70% in 1965 by a Democrat and remained at 70% through LBJ and Nixon and Ford and Carter. Reagan started cutting it 16 years later down to 50% which he kept for 5 years until it was lowered to 38.5% in 1987 and 33% (highest rate) in 1988. It started going up to 31% a few years later and in 1993 it went to 39.6 which is what Obama wants. How do you decide what is enough and what is too much?




Reagan closed tax shelters in exchange for lowering the rate though. No one paid those rates, they just had to contort themselves to avoid it.

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