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Congratulations America.

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People wanted change and that's what they got. Another lying politician that changes his stance every 5 mins. :censored:



Now I'm wondering when the media will turn on him. Its going to happen. Its just a matter of when. I also believe there will be a shiit load of info on him that just miraculously appears. I hope the LA Times releases that tape too.


Good times ahead. :thumbdown:

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I was going to suggest a montage of McCain against/for tax cuts, offshore drilling, immigration reform, privatizing social security, etc.


but I won't...


Funny how the last three never entered into the debate questions, or issues discussed and reported by the press...and that voters never gave it no mind.

Edited by stuckincincy
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I was going to suggest a montage of McCain against/for tax cuts, offshore drilling, immigration reform, privatizing social security, etc.


but I won't...



Go ahead!! I didnt vote for the old goat. Again. For the three millionth time, we all know McStupid was a flip flopper. But your Change, yes we can, president elect is the same as the rest of the politicians. A lying piece of shiit!


This first year is going to be a blast. HELLO MEDIA!! Its time to unleash the hounds!!! :blink:

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I'm not going to fight you. But I do have one question. Hypothetically, if Obama does a good job as President and the country is in a better place in 4 years, will you admit you were wrong and vote to re-elect him, or keep your head buried in the sand?



I wont be wrong, trust me. :blink:


If I think he's done a good job he wont get reelected. A good job in my mind is all/most of the things he's against. But we'll see I suppose, I'm of the ilk that says never say never.

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I'm not going to fight you. But I do have one question. Hypothetically, if Obama does a good job as President and the country is in a better place in 4 years, will you admit you were wrong and vote to re-elect him, or keep your head buried in the sand?

Doubtful. Most can't admit that Dubya presidency was a colossal failure.

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