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Learn to read before you start name calling you fuc*ing moron of morons.

You idiot , you ignorant fool , I never claimed to support Palin, nor did I defend her.


You talk about Palin not knowing an ammendment , while at the same time hussien is talking about altering the constitution.

I guess that sails right over your empty head.

You still haven't defended her. I tried to get you to do so, even attached an article that stated what you claimed you didn't know & all you did was still claim ignorance. I asked you to do so in a rational non slur manner & you can't as the above post proves.

The reason I asked you to is because your original response to my statement that she doesn't understand the 1st amendment was to BOLD & ENLARGE my point about her not understanding the 1st amendment & respond to it LOL.

You are too ignorant to get information to support you contentions and too irrational to respond in a non slur way-that is not a slur since your ignorance is proven by your 1st bolding & enlarging the original statement of facts & then de facto claiming ignorance by stating you don't know what she said and choosing not to educate yourself on the facts to issue a rational response and you keep up the slurs as proven by your post above.

I have no more time for you since I'm too busy to respond any further & before you say anything else stupid-it's because I have a funeral to prepare for.

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You can't respond to my challenge, can you?

I'll repeat it-Defend Palin's ignorance of the 1st amendment, in a rational manner without slurs. As Joe Friday said-Just the facts!



Here's her offending quote, "If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations," Palin told host Chris Plante, "then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."


For reference, here's the text of the aforementioned First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Gee, I wonder if she was doing it deadpan. I'd love to see you furrow your brows in confusion while you watch a movie like Airplane! or The Naked Gun as joke after joke flies over your head! "I don't get it- why is he calling him Shirley?"


In the context of the feverous interest in the left for a revival of the "fairness doctrine", her comments actually do make sense.

“I can recall newsroom conversations about what the FCC implications of broadcasting a particular report would be. Once a newsperson has to stop and consider what a government agency will think of something he or she wants to put on the air, an invaluable element of freedom has been lost,” said Dan Rather.


But put aside thoughts of an independent press in this new transforming age when America is about to embrace socialism. How delicious it will be for the Goebbels propaganda machine to be reanimated and put into modern form for a full court press against the enemies of The Leader.


In my view, the press has abdicated it's responsibility to be objective disinterested observers that purvey factual information to the public. Instead most have a thrill going up their collective leg for a charismatic socialist demagogue and I believe will be all too willing to use their secular pulpits to denounce, defame and denigrate any proponent of an opposing view. I think they will be quite effective Fourth Estate in the zealous pursuit and persecution of non-believers. They certainly have shown a marked propensity for doing exactly that already. They can't wait to get their brown shirts once the press is nationalized by The Leader. A little Krystalnacht Déjà vu anyone?

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Since when can the President unilaterally change the Constitution?

If the president cannot change the constitution, did it cross your 'mind' that the VP cannot change the constitution?

If it makes no difference to you that hussien doesn't support the constitution 100% then why do you care if Palin knows the 1st ammendment?

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Yet it is these same people who mindlessly claim that George Bush violates the constitution with 'his' patriot act.

I think these people are more than a little bit confused.


Just because Bush is incapable of changing the Constitution doesn't mean he isn't capable of violating it! How stupid are you? Are you actually under the impression that the Patriot Act is in the Constitution?



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I didn't defend Palin, in fact I cannot because I'm not aware of her comment on the 1st ammendment.

Where did you see me defend Palin or Palin's knowledge?


Not only would I not support any candidate that doesn't know the constitution inside and out, I would not support any candidate who has any intention other than to uphold every iota of the constitution.

That rules out obama.

He has openly stated his willingness, possibly his agenda, to change the constitution.


What I did was point out the hypocracy of people who have thier noses up their messiah's azz.


Let me ask you these questions

1.When you criticize Fox for who they endorse are you suggesting that hussien obama is an astute candidate ?

If so how do you justify supporting a candidate who isn't aware of how many states there are?


2. In your opinion ,which is worse a candidate who you claim doesn't know the constitution or a candidate who openly states his willingness and a possible desire to change the constitution?


3. We don't know exactly what obama has in mind when he refers to his willingness to change the constitution of the United States, because he doesn't disclose it.

We DO know that he supports measures to interfere with the right to bear arms.

That is in violation of the constitution.

Can you tell us if YOU are aware of that, and can YOU tell us which ammendment it violates?


4. If you are ok with violating the constitution then why is it so important to you for a VP candidate to know the constitution?

That seems hypocritical to me.

So could you explain that to us, if that is in fact your position.

1. Obama knows how many states there are and he made a mistake. He was tired from campaigning; he meant 47, there was still 1 state to go and he joked that his campaign wouldn't let him go to AK and HI. He admitted he was overtired.


I defy you, or anyone else, to crisscross that many timezones, stop in that many cities in such a short time, and always remember where you are and what you're supposed to say.


2. He's never said he wanted to, or intended to change the constitution. If you wanna believe he intends to do that, go ahead.


3. He has no intent to interfere with your right to bear legal arms.



Respect the Second Amendment: Millions of hunters and shooters own and use guns each year. Barack

Obama believes the Second Amendment creates an individual right, and he respects the constitutional rights of

Americans to bear arms. He will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase,

own, transport, and use guns.


Factcheck.org has analyzed this issue and found that the NRA has cherry-picked, twisted and misrepresented Obama's record to come up with a bogus "plan."


Maybe you believe that things like background checks constitutes taking away your 2nd Amendment rights...again, you're entitled to your opinion.

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If the president cannot change the constitution, did it cross your 'mind' that the VP cannot change the constitution?

If it makes no difference to you that hussien doesn't support the constitution 100% then why do you care if Palin knows the 1st ammendment?


Where's your proof that Obama doesn't support the constitution? Link or STFU!

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Just because Bush is incapable of changing the Constitution doesn't mean he isn't capable of violating it! How stupid are you? Are you actually under the impression that the Patriot Act is in the Constitution?



Well if I'm stupid how did I just trap you, you f*ckin moron.

You just stuck your foot right where I lured you into sticking it and you are too stooopid to realize it.


If hussien obama doesn't support the constituion how will he uphold it.

There I spoonfeed it to you dumbo.

Now hopefully even you can see how you were roped in.

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If the president cannot change the constitution, did it cross your 'mind' that the VP cannot change the constitution?

If it makes no difference to you that hussien doesn't support the constitution 100% then why do you care if Palin knows the 1st ammendment?


Knowledge of the Constitution would prove that a candidate has at least a modicum of intelligence, that's why it's important.


And another thing, why is it that you constantly refer to Obama as "hussien"? First, you're spelling it wrong. It's Hussein. Second, there's clearly no reason to do so unless you're intending the effect of casting him in a negative light by pointing out his Muslim sounding name.

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Here's her offending quote, "If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations," Palin told host Chris Plante, "then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."


For reference, here's the text of the aforementioned First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Gee, I wonder if she was doing it deadpan. I'd love to see you furrow your brows in confusion while you watch a movie like Airplane! or The Naked Gun as joke after joke flies over your head! "I don't get it- why is he calling him Shirley?"

you're not really trying to say she was deadpanning this statement or making a joke are you?

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Where's your proof that Obama doesn't support the constitution? Link or STFU!

He said so or aren't you aware

You don't seem to even know who you are voting for!

How do you vote...do you assume a candidate is proper for the job until someone proves otherwise.

Don't you have the wherewithall to educate yourself first.

You know like this.. YOU do what it takes to know who you support.


How do you choose a candidate.....duh he's black.... ahhh duh he articulates his words well...ummm so that duh combination is enough for me uhhh duh....der duh did he actually say some stuff ahh duh about duh constitution uhh duh is that really an important thing that der constitution thingy.

Too me duh it's duh more duhh important that he is duh black and duh der he speaks well duh that duh constitution duh thing for der what duh what it's worth doesn't duh supercede the duhh fact that duh der that he is black.


Duh he said the word CHANGE duh about duh 10000 time duh and never duh defined what duh change he was duh talking about duh but duh I like duh word duh change der.

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He said so or aren't you aware

You don't seem to even know who you are voting for!

How do you vote...do you assume a candidate is proper for the job until someone proves otherwise.

Don't you have the wherewithall to educate yourself first.

You know like this.. YOU do what it takes to know who you support.


How do you choose a candidate.....duh he's black.... ahhh duh he articulates his words well...ummm so that duh combination is enough for me uhhh duh....der duh did he actually say some stuff ahh duh about duh constitution uhh duh is that really an important thing that der constitution thingy.

Too me duh it's duh more duhh important that he is duh black and duh der he speaks well duh that duh constitution duh thing for der what duh what it's worth doesn't duh supercede the duhh fact that duh der that he is black.


Duh he said the word CHANGE duh about duh 10000 time duh and never duh defined what duh change he was duh talking about duh but duh I like duh word duh change der.


Where did Obama say "I don't support the Constitution"? Please, enlighten me.

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Well if I'm stupid how did I just trap you, you f*ckin moron.

You just stuck your foot right where I lured you into sticking it and you are too stooopid to realize it.


If hussien obama doesn't support the constituion how will he uphold it.

There I spoonfeed it to you dumbo.

Now hopefully even you can see how you were roped in.


That doesn't change the fact that HE NEVER SAID HE DOESN'T SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION. And stop calling him Hussien Obama, there's seriously no reason for that.

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1. Obama knows how many states there are and he made a mistake. He was tired from campaigning; he meant 47, there was still 1 state to go and he joked that his campaign wouldn't let him go to AK and HI. He admitted he was overtired.


I defy you, or anyone else, to crisscross that many timezones, stop in that many cities in such a short time, and always remember where you are and what you're supposed to say.


2. He's never said he wanted to, or intended to change the constitution. If you wanna believe he intends to do that, go ahead.


3. He has no intent to interfere with your right to bear legal arms.




Factcheck.org has analyzed this issue and found that the NRA has cherry-picked, twisted and misrepresented Obama's record to come up with a bogus "plan."


Maybe you believe that things like background checks constitutes taking away your 2nd Amendment rights...again, you're entitled to your opinion.

1. No matter how tired I get I always know there are 50 states.

You and hussien might not, but every normally functioning american does.

He has to remember what he is supposed to say?

I don't need to because I'm true to my believes, I don't need to memorize beliefs, let alone the number of states.


2. untrue


3. untrue

He wants to rewrite the laws.

If he was ok with gun ownership, he would say God bless the americans and their right to OWN and CARRY guns, no need for further restrictions.

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1. No matter how tired I get I always know there are 50 states.

You and hussien might not, but every normally functioning american does.

He has to remember what he is supposed to say?

I don't need to because I'm true to my believes, I don't need to memorize beliefs, let alone the number of states.


2. untrue


3. untrue

He wants to rewrite the laws.

If he was ok with gun ownership, he would say God bless the americans and their right to OWN and CARRY guns, no need for further restrictions.


This guy is putting us on.

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