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Why I will vote or John McCain


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Before I go on and give my opinions, let me they that any life lost is a horrible thing- I am sorry for your losses.


Now- how do you really fight terrorism? Do you fight them with military- which is really throwing their own tactics back at them......they dehumanize us, we dehumanize them. The thing is, we have to recruit people over there, and battle the ideology, not the people. The terrorists are being sold false ideas on their religion- continuing to kill them over there does nothing but get them (and us) to buy into those false ideals even more. What WE did in those terror prisons is unconscionable and WAS NOT an isolated incident, it was not the actions of a few- it was the premeditated actions of our current regime- The kind of thinking that made Colin Powell rethink being part of that group.


I respect McCain, I value his service to the country, and I truly hope he serves in the senate for a long time. I think Bob Barr is a much better candidate, and McCain may have come across as a better candidate if he were an independent.

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