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Says the retard who has started over 100 threads in the past 8 months.



That's your excuse for your laughable ignorance? Hope you can get a union job; you'll have a rough time getting by on your wits.


How sweet! The 27th most prolific poster comes to the rescue of the 7th most prolific poster! And what a con incidence-They're both obnoxiously incoherent right wing shills!

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The ironic thing is...on another sports board I frequent the resident douchebag there is using post counts as a "defense", too.


Must be a douchebag inherent trait or something.


Pretty funny, especially since this retard has been in full time spam mode on this board for the last six months. Next Sarah Palin thread in 5...4...3...

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You left out "Son, I'm going on 50 years old and have almost 18,000 posts on a single message board. In fact, there are only 6 people who have wasted more time on this board than I have. I'd rather waste hour after hour posting anonymous right wing rants than spend any more time than you."


That is a pretty scary list... I better stop posting! Some bad, bad things have happened with posters that almost reached the 19k club.



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It's a regular who's who of PPP right wing shills!


No doubt.


What amazes me is the hypocrisy in some... A dude who is promotes peddling woman is railing against beating woman. Obviously, there is a big disonnect with their pulpit when dealing with the two topics.


Where was he a few years ago when the board could have really used his message!



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Can't say that I do. Got a link so I can hear it?


If not, don't worry. I'll just listen to this again:




Don't much like Starship, agree with many when they say that "We Built This City" was the worst tune to break #1 since Winchester Cathedral...but that Sara song....not bad, maybe not as good as Hall and Oates Sara Smiles...but still a decent ballad.



Bring back the "more cowbell" avatar Null!

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Lets relive some of these gems once again!


She's got 2 years of executive experience.


Obama has 2 years of legislative experience, but actually a lot less than that since he's been running for president the entire time. So she's actually got more high level experience.




You can tell it was a good pick. Townhall and Free Republic are elated . . . Meanwhile, the Libtards are freakin' out. (See BH and PJ on this board) . . and others. . . .


Daily KOS




Great choice as we see all the libs crawling out from under their rocks to add their two cents today.




Frankly, outside of the National Security issue, I think she is the most qualified on *either* ticket despite her limitations.




My own opinion is that she has the potential to completely change the dynamic of the campaign and - critically - the media coverage, and that it was a great move. Her upside is huge in terms of voter positioning, and only if she starts screwing things up in interviews (which is very possible) will she be any worse than a safe pick worth 3 electoral votes.




This is why I think it is a great move - the possibility of changing the dynamic has tremoundous upside, and the irrelevance of the VP limits the downside (assuming no gaffes).


I didn't see that happening with any of the 'official' candidates.


ASSUMING NO GAFFES??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Hmm. 12 pages and counting with no end in sight. Anybody who said this VP pick wouldn't generate buzz = wrong. Anybody who said this wouldn't divide women and get more of them to go for McCain = wrong. Anybody who thinks that this is the ultimate Biden silencer = wrong. Every time they attack this lady it will be spun as attacking women in general, which brings up the whole "Hillary got a raw deal because she was a woman" thing. Cue Hannity and Limbaugh with the 24x7 phony indignation every time somebody says even the slightest negative thing about her. Biden cannot compete with her in a debate, he loses no matter what, so he better just minimize the damage. Biden is now an empty suit, and this will be a referendum on Obama-->not good for him. Now, whether Obama's people are smart enough have him stay away from her? Who knows. If he attacks her, this election is over and McCain wins big.


Jesus Christ this was stupid!!!


You wish. I wouldn't be writing her off just yet. Like I said above Palin = Biden killer. Have you ever actually seen Biden on a TV show or a debate? Not pretty. He's the choice Obama had to make. Palin is the perfect counter, and the debates will be hysterical. One way it could go: the exact opposite of Dan Quayle vs. old tired-ass Washington insider.


It's such an obvious trap as well: goading the Obamatons to make the mistake of talking about experience and keeping experience at the front = the WORST thing for Obama. Let's see if they are dumb enough to fall for it, and of course it will be the fault of everybody but themselves if they lose because of it. :lol:


Obama's campaign got out-maneuvered here, plain and simple. Hopefully it doesn't represent a larger problem with them.




Obama's been in the Senate for three years and he's been "out of the office" running for president for two of those three years. She's got more military experience being the head of the Alaska National Guard than he does. She has more executive experience than Obama AND Biden have combined. She's run a business - which neither of them have either.


Granted, she's not a blowhard egomaniac like Biden, and she's never been a community orgainzer like Obama, but she was the mayor of a small town. We all know how the Dems despise rural America. She's not a millionaire like the other three, but she does hold a union card - which none of them do either.



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My take, not that it matters, is you shouldn't bring family or children into it. The rest of this crap is blather.


That is not my take... We have been bringing family into American politics since the beginning of this country... Why stop now? What, are we getting soft as this country ages? And yes, I have alwys felt this way... Be damned what Obama or anyone has said.


This country was built on tearing the next person down no matter who was in the way... Now, I may not act on this... But, there are no "rules."


Anything less is a cop out.

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That is not my take... We have been bringing family into American politics since the beginning of this country... Why stop now? What, are we getting soft as this country ages? And yes, I have alwys felt this way... Be damned what Obama or anyone has said.


This country was built on tearing the next person down no matter who was in the way... Now, I may not act on this... But, there are no "rules."


Anything less is a cop out.


The people that are getting soft are the people that are out of power. They'll have 4 years, or two depending on your view, to make their case as the opposition. The worst they can do is shift further right and use the same FEAR mongering crap they've been using since.......well since the Nixon presidency.

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