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Scouts Inc. on the Bills "O"


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Have the Buffalo Bills adapted to their new West Coast offense?



I guess this pretty much holds all of our sentiments. Maybe Trent will turn into a reincarnated version of Joe Montana in the West Coast offense. They said the same thing about his arm strength, but he was probably the smartest QB to ever step on the field. Those old enough around here saw Montana and the 49ers own the NFL in the 80's. Now if Trent could just have the "ice water" flowing through his veins like Montana did in critical game situations.


Montana was great, my favorite all time QB. Mr cool. A leader. Some players would later describe what it was like in the huddle. They said it was like listening to God explain what was about to happen. But he also had a great team around him, on both sides of the ball.

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Well, I don't think we're that far. I think we definitely need a center on the O-line, and some better DE's. I reserve judgement on the DT's until I see Stroud play. At WR, I have said before, I'd like to see a trade for Michael Jenkins who is being wasted in Atlanta- he is an upgrade in the slot, and may be able to play outside at times if we get good QB play.


We need to stick with Trent throughout his development, no matter how poorly he plays at times, if he has a down season every now and then...whatever.


We just can't keep starting over, or we will be waiting at least that long


according to your timeline, we will need to replace anyone over 28 by the time they are ready to challenge

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You are making a big assumption that Jauron would accept having an OC pushed on him. He may not.

I don't care if he'd have it or not. I'm willing to concede to 1bills, obi and the like that Schonert will be the last offensive coordinator Jauron personally hires for this team, one way or the other. If Schonert fails, and Jauron can't accept that he doesn't know the first thing about hiring an offensive coordinator, I won't defend him. He can show himself out.


Yet, it only took three different teams to finally figure that out.

And honestly, do you think Wade had any leverage to buck that decision?


Who cares if Wade had any leverage? Phillips with his guys coaching the offense equals mediocrity. Phillips with power over the offense taken out of his hands equates to success, with the right personnel in place. If Schonert fails, its time to take away some of the leverage Jauron has, and put him in the position Phillips was in: run with our guy coaching the offense, or walk.


If Schonert fails, how much longer do you give Jauron to hang himself?

I give Jauron until he has an offensive coordinator we have some reason to believe knows what they're doing, and the team still can't make the playoffs. Until then, I'm not giving up on a guy who has the defense moving in the right direction, and the whole team playing hard, yet smart. I won't allow his defficiency in one area of the game to sour me on him, when it can be easily remedied by allowing someone else (say, Marv Levy?) to appoint the overseer of that unit.


EDIT: You guys can go on and on about Jauron's track record. The facts are he fielded good defensive units in Chicago when he had competent personnel, and there's reason to be optimistic about the defense here. And he has NEVER had the oppurtunity to work with a competent offensive coach. His teams play with passion, his players love to play for him, and penalties are kept low. I believe the offensive coach is whats missing, and what was missing in Chicago before Angelo lost half his defense.

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I don't care if he'd have it or not. I'm willing to concede to 1bills, obi and the like that Schonert will be the last offensive coordinator Jauron personally hires for this team, one way or the other. If Schonert fails, and Jauron can't accept that he doesn't know the first thing about hiring an offensive coordinator, I won't defend him. He can show himself out.




Who cares if Wade had any leverage? Phillips with his guys coaching the offense equals mediocrity. Phillips with power over the offense taken out of his hands equates to success, with the right personnel in place. If Schonert fails, its time to take away some of the leverage Jauron has, and put him in the position Phillips was in: run with our guy coaching the offense, or walk.



I give Jauron until he has an offensive coordinator we have some reason to believe knows what they're doing, and the team still can't make the playoffs. Until then, I'm not giving up on a guy who has the defense moving in the right direction, and the whole team playing hard, yet smart. I won't allow his defficiency in one area of the game to sour me on him, when it can be easily remedied by allowing someone else (say, Marv Levy?) to appoint the overseer of that unit.


EDIT: You guys can go on and on about Jauron's track record. The facts are he fielded good defensive units in Chicago when he had competent personnel, and there's reason to be optimistic about the defense here. And he has NEVER had the oppurtunity to work with a competent offensive coach. His teams play with passion, his players love to play for him, and penalties are kept low. I believe the offensive coach is whats missing, and what was missing in Chicago before Angelo lost half his defense.


The defense better perform - sicne he spends most of the resources on the defensive side of teh ball.


It is no coincidence that Schobel got a big increase and Peters is still waiting.

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[i guess this pretty much holds all of our sentiments. Maybe Trent will turn into a reincarnated version of Joe Montana in the West Coast offense. They said the same thing about his arm strength, but he was probably the smartest QB to ever step on the field. Those old enough around here saw Montana and the 49ers own the NFL in the 80's. Now if Trent could just have the "ice water" flowing through his veins like Montana did in critical game situations.

Montana also had a deep timing pattern the likes of which has never been repeated in the NFL for a huge part of his success. Those passes went to a little known receiver named Jerry Rice.


The Bills are a few pieces shy of being able to duplicate such an offense. First of all the Niner OL back then was killer with Pro Bowl Centers like Jesse Sapulu and Fred Quillan, Pro Bowl Guards like Randy Cross and Guy McIntyre, and Pro Bowl Tackles like Keith Fahnhorst and Harris Barton, and when your weak link on the line is a guy like Bubba Paris, then little needs to be said. Obviously we don't have a line that can touch that one.


Lynch may be better than Craig though, who knows and time will tell. But if we don't take some heat off of him he's gonna be finished due to injuries in a couple of seasons just like Ricky Williams got beat up in Miami early in his career.


We have no one capable of taking Rathman's role on the roster currently.


We don't have anyone on the team like Jerry Rice, John Taylor, or Dwight Clark, all Pro Bowl WRs although Evans is very good, just not in the mode of those players.


We also don't have a Pro Bowl TE like Brent Jones.


So any preseason comparisons to SFs old Montana day WCO can be filed under wishful thinking. If this team attempts to emulate that it will hinder itself from progressing.


It doesn't have the personnel to run it effectively which should have been proven last year. The introduction of a WR isn't going to change it all like that.


If this team is going to progress towards the playoffs, it's gonna be with a more conservative ball control style offense, even one predicated on the short passing game if necessary. But it will have to rely on the strength of the D, whatever that rises to, and an offense that just doesn't make mistakes and can keep the ball for more plays and more time than opponents.


You guys put way too much emphasis on Trent through all of this, first of all setting up disappointment, but more importantly not seeing where the team will really find its groove.

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