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The team's success will depend on two people:

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Funny, but substitute "Rob Johnson" for JP and there were literally thousands of posts such as this back in the day. I know because some of them were mine.


JP has a strong arm and he is a good runner. Still, he is a failure as we speak, to the extent that he seems to have little to no trade value, and is frequently mentioned on lists of first round bust quarterbacks. The fact that a rookie, with no weapons, could come right in and outplay Losman says a ton. And, if all of that isn't enough, JP popped off to the press about the coaching staff after a game. Do you think that Jauron appreciates this?


In any event, I think that I will chalk up your scenario to the "anything is possible but don't hold your breath" category. ;)



If JP is a failure what does that make Dick Jauron? He of the 6 out of 7 losing seasons as a head coach. :unsure:


Losman was drafted a project QB who would no doubt take a few years to become what ever he is going to become. It is the toughest position in all of sports and the dude's still got only 35 starts. Losman is still an unknown at present time. Dick Jauron is a career loser who never wasn't even smart enough to heed what turned out to be JP's words of wisdom regarding the pathetic offensive playcalling very early in the '07 season. JP's book has yet to be fully written, unlike Jauron who will always be a loser and will be fired by our team and never get another head coaching gig after we go 7-9 again in '08.

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If JP is a failure what does that make Dick Jauron? He of the 6 out of 7 losing seasons as a head coach. :unsure:

Marv Levy had 6 out of 7 losing seasons as an NFL head coach before 1988. 40-55 with KC and Buffalo. What a failure. Sometimes the right pieces just have to fall into place.


Losman was drafted a project QB who would no doubt take a few years to become what ever he is going to become. It is the toughest position in all of sports and the dude's still got only 35 starts. Losman is still an unknown at present time. Dick Jauron is a career loser who never wasn't even smart enough to heed what turned out to be JP's words of wisdom regarding the pathetic offensive playcalling very early in the '07 season. JP's book has yet to be fully written, unlike Jauron who will always be a loser and will be fired by our team and never get another head coaching gig after we go 7-9 again in '08.

The Jauron/Levy regime gave Losman every opportunity to succeed. Say what you want about Fairchild (I myself have said plenty), but Losman made errors during games that had more to do with his own judgment than just the playcalling.


I'll be the first to argue Losman was mis-managed during the cluster!@#$ created by Donahoe/Mularkey. Still, he has had his opportunities and it's not really accurate to label him an "unknown." Perhaps he will flourish in a different system, but at this point the odds are against it. If Losman had All-Pro written all over him, don't you believe some evidence of that would have shown up by now -- regardless of who is calling the plays? There's an old saying about the cream rising to the top.

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Marv Levy had 6 out of 7 losing seasons as an NFL head coach before 1988. 40-55 with KC and Buffalo. What a failure. Sometimes the right pieces just have to fall into place.


Oh please, I'm so tired of hearing the comparisons of Dick Jauron to Marv Levy. Levy was a risk taker and always seemed to give his players the opportunity to succeed or fail. These are qualities that are polar opposite to what Dick Jauron is all about...play it safe, don't take any chances, always wait until the other team makes the mistakes, play not to lose the game. Levy also had actual fire in the belly and it was apparent on the sidelines as he made it clear when he wasn't happy how things were going. Jauron? He just stands there with that dumbass look on his face. There is no way Jauron is the next Marv Levy, not even close.


It doesn't matter anyways, you can say Losman is a done deal but you are still only speculating seeing how the guy still only has 35 starts and was always projected as someone who'd take a bit of time to develop. However, you're hanging your hat on Jauron being the next Marv Levy, sorry but that's a ridiculous reach in my book. At least Losman has a few more years to reach his full potential, Jauron is gone if he doesn't win this year. May be my opinion, but that's how I feel about things.

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Oh please, I'm so tired of hearing the comparisons of Dick Jauron to Marv Levy. Levy was a risk taker and always seemed to give his players the opportunity to succeed or fail. These are qualities that are polar opposite to what Dick Jauron is all about...play it safe, don't take any chances, always wait until the other team makes the mistakes, play not to lose the game. Levy also had actual fire in the belly and it was apparent on the sidelines as he made it clear when he wasn't happy how things were going. Jauron? He just stands there with that dumbass look on his face. There is no way Jauron is the next Marv Levy, not even close.


It doesn't matter anyways, you can say Losman is a done deal but you are still only speculating seeing how the guy still only has 35 starts and was always projected as someone who'd take a bit of time to develop. However, you're hanging your hat on Jauron being the next Marv Levy, sorry but that's a ridiculous reach in my book. At least Losman has a few more years to reach his full potential, Jauron is gone if he doesn't win this year. May be my opinion, but that's how I feel about things.

I'm not saying Jauron is anything...just pointing out that your use of statistics is a bit misleading. As a Bills fan wouldn't you hope Jauron IS the next Levy?

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I didn't want to get involved in this thread, but...


Injuries, Changes, and Improvements on D from last year:


Ko Simpson > Jim Leonhard/George Wilson

Jabari/Leodis > Webster/Thomas

Denney > Nua/whoever the hell else

Posluszny/DiGiorgio > just DiGiorgio

Kelsay and Schobel with Stroud getting double teamed > Tripplett with Kelsay and Schobel getting double teamed.

Kawika Mitchell > Keith Ellison (on first and second down)

Stroud/McCargo/Williams/Johnson > Triplett/Williams/McCargo/Jefferson


Improvements. Everywhere. Put them under Perry and you've got a very, very solid defense. DJ will only improve this group.


Changers/Improvements on O from last year:


Scrap O-Line in first year < Gelled, 2nd year O-Line

6'5" (Hardy) > 5'10" (Price)

Derek Schouman healthy > Tim Massaquoi

Trent > JP vs. Trent vs. Chroise

Full offseason to work with starting O Trent > Backup Trent

Lee Evans with an opposite side threat > Lee Evans double teamed

Josh Reed/Roscoe Parrish in slot > Josh Reed/Roscoe Parrish wide


The only drawback from last year? No more Michael Gaines if you consider that a loss, I think that a healthy Schouman/Fine/Royal group will work wonders.


How much of a difference? I have no clue, I'm just thinking that with these improvements, there are plenty more things that this team is weighing on than Trent and DJ.

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Things are in place for a playoff season; we have talent and depth on defense; we have added receivers, running backs and tight ends on offense; we have drafted good replacement special teamers; plus, we have a number of starters returning from injury. Add this all up, and we SHOULD win more games than last year. I think, however, it will end up depending on Edwards' development and Jauron's game-day decisions.


If Trent plays like a kid (which he still is), there won't be any playoff this year. If Jauron doesn't make the most of his team's game situations, but instead blows calls like the horrible sideline pass coverage in the Dallas game, there won't be any playoff.


My feeling right now is that Edwards WILL make steady progress and Jauron will manage the games a bit better and the Bills will squeak into the playoffs.

But...I have NO basis for this belief whatsoever. Edwards and Jauron have done absolutely nothing in their respective careers to justify my faith. What are your thoughts on these two? Will they come through or not?


Whew! I'm glad that we're not banking our season on Lynch. I'm comfortable relying on Edwards as long as he can stay healthy.

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