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Nice to Wake Up to Al Sharpton

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This morning, in his Imus apology dissection, Stern and his crew said "!@#$" and "kike" about 50 times making fun of Imus. You think Al will call out Stern?


Of course not--Stern would take the "get the eff out of my life" attitude. If Imus had just taken the "it's a joke" approach and skipped all the apologies, this would have gone away quickly. He's probably said worse things and for whatever reasons, people seized on this. Now he's digging his hole.


But that's not how the timeline goes. Imus made the comments last week but didn't apologize to Sharpton until yesterday. So something must have happened over the weekend to push this. We can't speculate on the motivations without knowing what's going on behind the scenes. You don't imagine there's an army of corporate attorneys from CBS and NBC offering him "advice?"


It's more that, than Stern having a bigger backbone than Imus. If you want a litmus test of Stern's backbone let's look at his record of fighting FCC indecency mandates. He bitched, moaned and then ran away from radio.


It's easy to knock imus for lacking a pair, but we have absolutely no idea that it's him or the corporate lackeys who buckled.

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What makes Reverend Al a spokesman?


On the local station here, they mentioned that he instigated two riots that killed 12 people.


Exchange from a recent South Park episode:


Stan: Dude, my father apologized to Jesse Jackson!

Token: Jesse Jackson is NOT the emperor of all black people!!!

Stan: He's not? He told my Dad he was.


The absolute best part of this silly little event?

Jesse Jackson, who marched with about 50 protesters Monday outside NBC offices in Chicago, said Imus’ suspensions will not halt the protests.


Fifty Jesse?? That's all you can muster these days for such an outrage? 0:)

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