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What If Iran Kidnapped Your Pet?

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They have to skill them if they are in town. The try to tranquilize them if they are in the hills nearby.


The problem is, these were right in town. It would be like seeing them by the old red mill in Williamsville. About 3-4 miles away on the west side of town is a 600-800 foot ridge where they usually stay. All the regional parks around here have signs warning about mountain lions and rattlesnakes posted at the trailheads.


The snakes I don't have a problem with... Now the mt. lions... They are man eaters and once they get a taste of human blood!... Don't they attack from behind too? Cats are sneaky like that! Don't they (people while hiking) wear masks on backwards in the jungle where other man-eating big cats reside?


Now in the east, the lions have been SUPPOSEDLY wiped out for over a 100 years... Man controls the coyote population here in Chicago...

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The snakes I don't have a problem with... Now the mt. lions... They are man eaters and once they get a taste of human blood!... Don't they attack from behind too? Cats are sneaky like that! Don't they (people while hiking) wear masks on backwards in the jungle where other man-eating big cats reside?


Now in the east, the lions have been SUPPOSEDLY wiped out for over a 100 years... Man controls the coyote population here in Chicago...


Rattlesnakes are all over here too. They are in every open space in the Bay Area. My hobby, geocaching, involves some hiking and sometimes looking for the geocaches in rock piles. I saw a rattler on a paved trail last summer. I know someone who got bit by one when looking in a rock pile. In the last few weeks, people have seen several rattlers.

From around now until about November, whenever I have to look into a rock pile, I use my hiking stick to poke around all over the place.


At least in WNY, the only thing you have to watch out for are rabid skunks or raccoons.

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2. People who own cats suck.

IIRC, Tom owns a cat, so there's some truth to your statement.


But not as much as you might think. Unlike most dogs, cats have self-respect. Also, cats rely on more subtle social signals than dogs do. Women are better at picking up on subtle signals than men; and a lot of times a woman doesn't want someone to slobber all over her. Men often prefer the hit-you-over-the-head obvious kind of affection you can get from a dog, whereas women often like the more subtle and refined affection you can get from a cat.

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Rattlesnakes are all over here too. They are in every open space in the Bay Area. My hobby, geocaching, involves some hiking and sometimes looking for the geocaches in rock piles. I saw a rattler on a paved trail last summer. I know someone who got bit by one when looking in a rock pile. In the last few weeks, people have seen several rattlers.

From around now until about November, whenever I have to look into a rock pile, I use my hiking stick to poke around all over the place.


At least in WNY, the only thing you have to watch out for are rabid skunks or raccoons.


Think again and thread lighty (geocache) in NYS!


NYS has three venomous snakes:


1: Massaugua [sP]

2: Copperhead

3: Timber Rattler... Which is ONLY found in the Tongue Mts. (west side of Lake George/lower SE ADK region)...


All scarce no doubt, but they are there...


The copperheads mainly in the southern tier/downstate... Catskill region...


Massaugua, I THINK is related to the pigmy or is it eastern rattler?... Some of the biggest one's I THINK have been found around the Rochester area?... I think "Alabama Swamps" area / LeRoy????


Now don't quote me on this... My son is into snakes (age 8) and as MY source is relaying this info across the house as I write...



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'molson_golden2002' post='957977' date='Mar 30 2007, 01:04 PM']First off, FDA finds Canadian company was poising our pets! ieatcrayon will love that!



And this story made me think of that a-hole I was driving behind yesterday who had a bumper sticker reading: 'Can't find your cat? Look under my tire"



If you think of Rover and Fluffy as members of the family, you may figure you could collect damages for pain and suffering if they were to die as a result of wrongdoing.


The law in California and many other states sees things differently. It treats pets as personal property, just like cars and computers.


But that could be changing.




Is this going too far with animal rights? What if Iran kidnapps your dog? Should we go to war?[/i]



There is a very minute line between an animal and a human. For you to belittle animal lives by spewing ignorant questions, tells me that you are either mentally retarded or simply an ignorant dunce. Our society is still significantly behind in implementing adequate animal rights laws. Good people get profoundly attached to their pet, thus; the inclination for compensation. The blatant carelessness and incompetence of those pet food companies unequivocally warranted rigorous litigation you dunce!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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