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Cop Killer gets the crap beat out of him.

Tux of Borg

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Funny that they spend 99% of the time talking about "obvious" brutality (without a chance for the PD to respond or give their version of events) and 0.5% mentioning that the PD was cleared, and the other 0.5% to tell us that the guy was later convicted to life.


The guy looked brutal, but if he's willing to grab a cop's weapon, shoot him and then jump out a 3rd floor window to escape do you think he might resist arrest to the extreme?

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how do you know he didn't land on his head jumping from 3 floors? I do believe the cops had something to do with but...sorry.


Thats the type of thing I'd like for 12 people make a circle around him, everyone says he's guilty had shoot him. Save the tax payers millions over his "lifetime" sentence.

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