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Lead singer from the band Boston found dead

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Boston = Foreigner = Kansas = Styx = Crap (at least there was some talent in Kansas)


I know, I left out a few band. I always called the commercial radio-hit bands with the lame faux-operatic lead singers the "Clone Bands", my brother, the musician of the family, called them the "Semi-fag Bands".


It's always sad when someone dies, but let's not re-write history and pretend the band was great.


Interesting reply and definitely a bit narrow-minded. I share your dislike of purely commercial sound but I think we differ on the breadth of that group. I think that the Britney Spears / Mariah Carey / Beastie Boys (did I spell that right)/ Run DMC et.al are far more representative. Boston, whom I liked primarily due to the first album, really had too few releases to be considered commercial. Even if I do not favour those bands, they actually played instruments and were really musicians, for the most part. I doubt that many who criticize them could play as well as they actually can. I never run down the musicians because there are far more "artists" that do not write music, lyrics, or play anything and in my mind, they deserve the contempt.

Just my 2 cents.

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