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Bills actively shopping McGahee per ESPN.


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Drew Rosenhaus has many clients, I expect him to be busy with more important players (guys he can make more money off than Willis).


The guys getting drafted right now are gonna put alot more change in his pocket (Big bonus money) than Willis will renegoitiating. There may be some bluster by Rosenhaus, just to see if he can rattle the Bills, but he won't waste alot of time with a holdout and such.


In fact, if Willis indeed wants to leave (I think this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion, I actually think the Bills are more interested in getting a new back than Willis is in leaving), and things don't get resolved quickly, I could see Willis getting a new agent.


You do realize that Drew Rosenhaus works with a team of people, right?. Its not just him.


And as far as his clients go, very few of them are Free Agents. He has his rookies to deal with, Donte Stallworth & Lance Briggs. Throw in McGahee shouldnt be that difficult.

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Unless we get a great offer, I highly doubt we trade him. We're not going to just give him away. Although we have seen several foolish moves out of the organization in the last several years, so I wouldn't put it past them.



yeah but if u were willis and u knew the team was shopping u i wouldnt be happy i would want out hes done in buffalo i garuntee it, and its funny this moring i was saying hes going no where funny how fast that changed.

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You do realize that Drew Rosenhaus works with a team of people, right?. Its not just him.


And as far as his clients go, very few of them are Free Agents. He has his rookies to deal with, Donte Stallworth & Lance Briggs. Throw in McGahee shouldnt be that difficult.


We shall see.

I realize he has a team, but when you're pawned off to the assistants, it's time to change agents. I am curious who else he is an agent for. I think the draft was the big payday from Willis to Drew, and Willis isn't a star player (as we well know).

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Why would someone pay a first round pick for a RB? I have been avoiding doing this due to the length it will take, but lets run through the teams


Miami - Ronnie Brown (Ricky Williams?)

Buffalo - WM

NYJ - Open

Patriots - Maroney (Dillon)


Steelers - Willie Parker

Ravens - Jamal Lewis

Bengals - Rudi

Browns - Open (Droghns)


Indianapolis - Addai (Rhodes)

Houston - Open (Dayne) (Lundy)

Jacksonville - Jones-Drew (Fred Taylor)

Tennessee - Open (Henry) (Chris Brown)


Denver - Mike Bell (Tatum Bell)

Kansas City - Larry Johnson

Oakland - Lamont Jordan

San Diego - LT (Turner)


Dallas - Julius Jones (Barber)

Giants - Open (Jacobs)

Eagles - Westbrook (Buckhalter)

Washington - Portis (Betts) (Duckett)


Chicago - Thomas Jones (Benson)

Detroit - Kevin Jones

Green Bay - Open (A. Green)

Minnesota - Chester Taylor


Atlanta - Dunn (Norwood)

Carolina - D. Williams (D. Foster)

New Orleans - R. Bush (Deuce)

Tampa Bay - C. Williams


Arizona - Edggarin James

San Fran - Frank Gore

Seattle - Alexander (Morris)

St. Louis - Steven Jackson


So, tell me, WHERE can McGahee go?


1) NYJ. No Chance. Not in division

2) Cleveland

3) Houston

4) Tennessee (if Henry leaves)

5) NY Giants

6) Green Bay


Thats it. Six teams need a running back. Maybe throw in Tampa Bay, Denver, Dallas and Detroit. But for now, lets leave them out of it, and assume they will stick with Caddilac, The Bells, JuliusJones/Barber and Kevin Jones.


To fill those six slots, here are the choices

1) Marshawn Lynch

2) Adrian Peterson

3) Michael Bush

4) Kenny Irons

5) Travis Henry

6) Corey Dillon (If he doesnt retire)

7) Ahman Green

8) Corell Buckhalter

9) Ladell Betts

10) Dominick Rhodes

11) Micheal Turner

12) Kevin Barlow

13) Reuben Droghns

14) Fred Taylor

15) Thomas Jones (If Chicago puts him on the market and goes with Benson)


Tell me, how much better is Willis McGahee (honestly) than most of those guys on the list? Might be a little better than some, but most on the above list come FREE. Dominick Rhodes (for no pick) or Willis (for a pick)?


A first rounder folks, is unrealistic. Love it. Want it to happen. I'll eat the paper I wote this on if it happens. I just think its a waste of time discussing it. Because, realistically, it aint happenin'.


You really know how to crush our dreams, don't you?


Great work. I will still argue this point strongly:


Coach Hot seat Tom of the Giants would take Willis next year over any free agent or available RB. Tom & GM have to look like they are fielding a team contending for the superbowl or the media are gonna kill them. It's willis and pay the heavy price Giants or suffer the wrath of the evil empire (media).

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yeah but if u were willis and u knew the team was shopping u i wouldnt be happy i would want out hes done in buffalo i garuntee it, and its funny this moring i was saying hes going no where funny how fast that changed.

Teams, players and agents talk about trades all the time. I am not guaranteeing Willis will be back, although I expect him to be. I am guaranteeing this doesn't guarantee that Willis is gone. Frankly, he's such a kook he probably doesn't mind this talk at all, and it may even motivate him, either to prove the Bills wrong or to show other teams how good he is and they should trade for him.

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Pretty good Testimonials as well

Wow, that's funny. I went there, looked at the player names and only after 5 minutes remembered the testimonials:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam malesuada tincidunt enim. Duis commodo fringilla felis.


Athlete name here

What is that? ...It's definitely not random....

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A first rounder folks, is unrealistic. Love it. Want it to happen. I'll eat the paper I wote this on if it happens. I just think its a waste of time discussing it. Because, realistically, it aint happenin'.


Thats a sh------- promise. You didn't write it on any paper - this is an internet post.

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After next year Willis won't be here anyhow, His contract will expire and the Bills wont resign him. So you might as well trade him while you get get something for him. The same people who say it is stupid to trade him next year will complain that you let him go for nothing. I think he is an OK back that got away with pure phyiscal talent in college, but has no feel for the game. Route running, antisapating the hole and moves are lacking in his game.

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Great, so much for my WM throw back jersey.....


Wow, this new administration is showing some powerful discipline in finding the right players for its system.....


I hope we get a good RB in this draft if WM is indeed gone.....

I have a feeling we will get a Rb or a rb and a late round pick in return.

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You do realize that Drew Rosenhaus works with a team of people, right?. Its not just him.


And as far as his clients go, very few of them are Free Agents. He has his rookies to deal with, Donte Stallworth & Lance Briggs. Throw in McGahee shouldnt be that difficult.

I thought Lodon Baker-Fletcher was his, too.

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