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interesting things in here


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Any ideas why the Dolphins should have more info on Quinn's strengths and weaknesses than other teams?

Because they no more than you and I.


Also this juicy tidbit about the gay mammals:

The Dolphins' uniform is about to undergo a subtle change for 2007, even as the team studies bolder transformation. The Dolphins are expected to alter the font on their numbers by thinning out the blue outline for the 2007 season in response to complaints from fans and television networks that have said reading the numbers from a distance is difficult. A Dolphins representative confirmed Monday that the possibility exists, although other sources are saying the change is practically a certainty.


Who says it's a slow news day?

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You're struggling, K-Gun10. I'm sure you'll get the hang of starting topics soon enough, but you're certainly off to a rocky start.


If all you're going to do is post a link, what are you adding? The least you could do is give us some idea of why YOU think the article is interesting -- isn't your intent to stimulate discussion and conversation?

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You're struggling, K-Gun10. I'm sure you'll get the hang of starting topics soon enough, but you're certainly off to a rocky start.


If all you're going to do is post a link, what are you adding? The least you could do is give us some idea of why YOU think the article is interesting -- isn't your intent to stimulate discussion and conversation?


i posted it bcuz i wanted to kno wat u guys thought of that

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i posted it bcuz i wanted to kno wat u guys thought of that

I found this most interesting:


Michael Vick may be the Falcons' most recognizable and highly paid player but the new coaching staff, led by head coach Bobby Petrino, could care less. There will be no coddling of Michael Vick,"


Anyone believe this load of manure?

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beerball why u gotta break balls

Actually I did find that piece the most interesting. Was there a specific mention that caught your eye? Regarding Vick, I just don't believe that someone who has been coddled his entire life (Vick) will take to being one of the guys.


If they follow through on this it tells me that Blank is ready to cut ties with Vick if he can't handle the new coaching staff. If they mean what they are saying things could get really ugly really quickly.

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Actually I did find that piece the most interesting. Was there a specific mention that caught your eye? Regarding Vick, I just don't believe that someone who has been coddled his entire life (Vick) will take to being one of the guys.


If they follow through on this it tells me that Blank is ready to cut ties with Vick if he can't handle the new coaching staff. If they mean what they are saying things could get really ugly really quickly.



they should cut ties with him matt shcuab imo is there best chance to go anywhere, vick is a coach cancer

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Anyone believe this load of manure?


No I personally don't. I fully believe Arthur Blank cares more about the success of mike vick due to how good tomlinson turned out, then actually building a team that can win consistently. He's done nothing but spend 1st rd pick after 1st rd pick on wr's and trade for wr's, then care to draft a team to compete for championships. However the airport incident even though nothing came of it probably leaves a bad taste in his mouth and not the way he wants his new coach to start off his tenure.

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