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How do we get the Lord to be a Bills fan?


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Good point, I was thinking the same.


Id have to think that IF God does influence football games, he definately hates the Bills. And we are out of hope. Maybe we ask the devil for help, it worked for Bellichick and Brady.

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Since Irsay and Dungy said the Lord was responsible for the win and comeback...can someone send him a Bills cap and pennant...


Willis is the problem. While he may only account for around five percent of the total payroll, he is responsible for at least 92% of the team's fornication.

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Since Irsay and Dungy said the Lord was responsible for the win and comeback...can someone send him a Bills cap and pennant...


Usually, I can't stand when these guys say that "the Lord was responsible". Like He watches football and can't stand the guys on the other team. But, in this case, I think Dungy and Irsay might be right. After all, we all know that Kraft, Bellicheck and the Paytoilets are Satan's team. :blink: I am surprised at Irsay though. Daddy Irsay sold his soul to the devil when he Mayflowered out of Gonorrhea Town in the middle of the night back in '84.

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Well we do have a QB named after a Pope. That's gotta be good for something, right?


Isn't "JP" short for John Paul? :blink:


Anyway, I think the easiest way to win a Super Bowl is to forget God and make a pact with the Devil. It's worked for Jerry Jones and Bob Kraft... and they even get brand new stadiums to boot!!!

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