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New NHL Power Rankings


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The Wings beat the Ducks lastnight so they'll be number one later today. :thumbsup: Power rankings are by people who don't understand the sport read by people who think they actually mean something.

What makes it even worse is when a place like ESPN does them, cause they follow hockey very closely over there


I think its funnier reading the complaints from people that disagree with the power rankings and take the time to reply to them

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Not sold yet on the Thrashers. Although I believe Nashville is better than them, neither are better than San Jose or the Ducks. Both the Ducks and the Sharks are in mini slumps now but all teams will go through at least a couple of those during a season. In the end, the Thrashers have too many euro's they are depending on. Sabres as well are euro laden but have quality leadership in Briere and Drury. Worrisome all euro D though. Wish they kept Mckee. We'll see. Watch in the crunch. Im really afraid of the Ducks with both Neidermyer and Pronger. Both winners. Both will be a force in the playoffs. I wish they were'nt in the Sharks division. Sharks have all the potential in the world but have yet to play up to it except for periods here and there. I hope the recent ass woppin they got from Phoenix and subsequent ass woppin from the gm, straightens them out. 3 starters(Bell, Carle, Bernier)got healthy scratched for a game against Dallas after that.

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