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Looks Like Minimum Wage Hike Will Happen

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To be honest I cant really argue with most of what you wrote above. Most of it is true. I must ask though. Why do you I am not a person who would do something nice?


This may be a stupid question, but ... do you believe in God or take part in any religion?


Believe in him? The B word owes him twenty bucks.
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Believe in him? The B word owes him twenty bucks.



I went to Darin's church once, although he wasn't there at the time, lots of gunplay and the sacrament of the baby seal clubbing actually did make me feel closer to my creator.


Be open minded, Dax.

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Why does no one focus on those who simply look to subsist on minimum wage.


I learned at a very early age that minimum wage was just that and I better make a few sacrifices and put in a lot of hard work at school and at my jobs to get AHEAD.



If someone else wont do the same, what do we owe them?

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No.  I was raised a hypocrite...errr...Catholic.


Please don't think less of me because you're so weak minded that you do.  I'd be crushed.



OK. What dont you get? Im not the typical church going, holy water, Christian nut. What dont you understand about that? I dont go to church. I stay home and sleep then wake up to watch football. I havent been baptized. I dont believe in purgatory. Im not a nut!


What I AM. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was crucified as a sacrifice for our sons. I believe he is my savior. I worship him by praying, and singing. Thats IT! I try my best not too judge people ... but hey ... im human and I make mistakes just like everyone else.


In fact you were the one who judged (or thought less) of me by saying that I wasnt one of those "nice people" who would give. What makes you say that?

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OK. What dont you get? Im not the typical church going, holy water, Christian nut. What dont you understand about that? I dont go to church. I stay home and sleep then wake up to watch football. I havent been baptized. I dont believe in purgatory. Im not a nut!


What I AM. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was crucified as a sacrifice for our sons. I believe he is my savior. I worship him by praying, and singing. Thats IT! I try my best not too judge people ... but hey ... im human and I make mistakes just like everyone else.


In fact you were the one who judged (or thought less) of me by saying that I wasnt one of those "nice people" who would give. What makes you say that?


Sorry, anyone who regularly pushes/advertises their beliefs on/at others is a nut. As far as you not thinking you're a nut, Charles Manson thinks he's the sanest guy around.


But thanks for praying for everyone. I'm sure that'll help.

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I don't understand your question.


I'm saying that they probably have enough votes to get a minimum wage increase through, but I do not think one tied to the cost of living index would.  There hasn't been a federal increase since 1997 (I believe), and the hue and cry from "small business" is that a minimum wage increase would destroy them.  So, if an increase on it's own has been a tough sell, how would tying one to an automatic increase as the cost of living index increases get through? 


Would I love to see that bill?  Hell yes.  Do I think we'll see that bill?  No way.  These bills don't get proposed in a vaccuum.  They have a pretty good idea how the votes will go.  So, why waste time with a bill you know won't get through?  You could do it for political reasons, like the GOP does for their hard-on for flag burning amendments in election years.  But I don't believe the Dems will do that in this instance.  Getting the wage increase is far better than just proposing one and getting it shot down. 

Say the Dems propose that bill.  And it never gets through.  The same people yelling that the Dems don't have the stones to propose a minimum wage increase tied to the cost of living index will be the same ones saying that they only put it out there for political reasons.  They haven't proposed anything yet, and you're already slamming them.


What's the most important thing here?  Getting these people more money or satisfying the chatteratti?


Let me be more clear about my position. My position is that the Democrats do not 'care' about the working poor. They care about getting votes. Further, if the 'cared' about the working poor, they would push to have the min. wage tied to some inflation index.


If they 'cared' about the working poor (or whatever you want to call it) there would be substantive debates on the floor of the House, and in speeches around the country about tying the minimum wage to some sort of inflation index. If you take it as a given that there should be a minimum wage, then it follows that this wage should be tied to some inflation index, period. No one ever even talks about this, though. Not even in the debate leading up to a minimum wage bill. You have to ask yourself why that is, don't you? Why not even a debate about the merits of tying the min. wage to CPI? The answer is very clear. Democrats want an issue to bring up when it is convenient for them, the same way that Republicans love to talk about gay marriage whenever someone questions the validity of the Iraqi war. It is really that simple.

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Lemme see, you want to have a serious debate about a proposal you don't agree with to begin with.
Wow. Just wow. You have ZERO idea what I agree or don't agree with. Let me see if I can be clear for you. The minimum wage should be tied to some sort of inflation index.
Sounds fruitful. You start, why would you want to tie wages to an index that is itself political, and potentially volatile, and may go down, therefore getting rid of scheduled increases for the purposes of businesses having some cost certainty with budgeting?
I'd never heard anyone claim that the CPI was a 'political' index... I didn't realize that people voted on what to put in the CPI. The CPI is what it is. Obviously, there are issues with the CPI, the same as any index would have, however, your characterization of the CPI as 'political' just doesn't hold water. You DO have to tie the min. wage to some inflation index, though... what do you propose?
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How many of the unwanted kids currently without homes are you on the list for?  There are about 130,000 between 2 and 10 out there just waiting for one of you caring souls to open your home to them.


Oh, that's right.  Zealots only rail about the unborn.  Screw the ones already here.



The list to adopt newborn babies is longer than the abortions in the US. Babies who aren't newborns were put in foster care are not the same as newborns.


I know that kills one of you talking points you love bringing up. Go do some research before you look like a buffoon. I love your pithy statement that anyone who tries to push their beliefs on other people is a nut. Your anti-Catholic agenda is simply your own way of telling us that anyone other than you is insane. Well pray tell, what does that make you while you call Catholics hypocrites?


A hypocrite naturally. You're probably not man enough to realize your own inconsistencies. God help those Catholics when people like you have your own repetitive agenda you seek relevance for.

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The list to adopt newborn babies is longer than the abortions in the US. Babies who aren't newborns were put in foster care are not the same as newborns.

Bull. Depending on whose statistics you believe, there have been 36 million abortions in the US since it was legalized. I'm smart enough to know that there's no way the government could ever handle over a million kids a year and the number of people who want to adopt will eventually dwindle. That says nothing of the ridiculous amount of infrastructure that'd have to be in place or the money that'd take.


Think the school funding suck now? Imagine another 12,000,000 kids added. That's EXACTLY what you're advocating. Save the unborn, zealot. Who cares what the downstream affect is?


The number of adoptions in the US has been going steadily down for years. That's not a supply problem. Like I said, there are 130K kids a year between the ages of 2 and 10 that are under government care. But it's because everyone wants a shiny newborn! [/sarcasm]


I'll believe you idiots can handle the abortion problem the minute you can keep drugs out of our gradeschools with your fear mongering.

I know that kills one of you talking points you love bringing up. Go do some research before you look like a buffoon. I love your pithy statement that anyone who tries to push their beliefs on other people is a nut. Your anti-Catholic agenda is simply your own way of telling us that anyone other than you is insane. Well pray tell, what does that make you while you call Catholics hypocrites?

Because they are. Look at the edifices they continue to build (especially in poor neighborhoods), while crying poverty with their hands out. The Church (along with every organized religion) is about one thing at its core: MONEY. I've seen enough needy people turned away and read enough story about covering pedophilia to save money, thank you very much.


As far as looking like a buffoon goes, there isn't an ounce of my being that gives a flying monkey fuk about your opinion.

A hypocrite naturally. You're probably not man enough to realize your own inconsistencies. God help those Catholics when people like you have your own repetitive agenda you seek relevance for.


Thanks for the judgement, religious guy. I'm sure God's smiling at your soldiering.

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  Democrats want an issue to bring up when it is convenient for them, the same way that Republicans love to talk about gay marriage whenever someone questions the validity of the Iraqi war.  It is really that simple.



I fail to see how anybody with half a brain and/or an ounce of rationality could disagree with the above.

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If the progressives actually cared about Minimum Wage, they'd simply tie it to the cost of living indexes.  Too bad they benefit so much from it remaining crappy, so it looks like they're actually doing something when every decade or so they champion the cause. :)



Done...plus a bit more. A previous post of mine...


"The voters in OH overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment to raise the State minimum wage from $5.15 and hour to $6.85, and require annual cost-of-living adjustments thereafter.


There are of course reasons for and against the wage increase.


But the amendment contains disturbing language. Because of that, many of OH's major newspapers opposed it.


Any employee, or any interested party, can demand and get the salaries or wages of all employees at any business. Additionally, you will also be given the home address of all employees owned.


One can speculate what will happen at a workplace. Recriminations. Complaints. Some crumb has his eyes on your wife? He'll have your address. Some nutjob who was fired will be able to hunt you down with greater ease. A shady business that wants to bombard you with calls and mailings...no problem.



The folks who got it on the ballot were:


Ohioans for a Fair minimum Wage, the Economic Policy Institute, A.C.O.R.N., the Ohio AFL-CIO , Let Justice Roll, Senate Democratic Leader C.J. Prentiss.


The opposition was:


Ohioans to Protect Personal Privacy, National Restaurant Association, National Federation of Independent Business/Ohio, Cincinnati/USA Regional Chamber."






The number of authentic minimum workers in the State of Ohio is about 300,000. Go look it up. Rather small number compared to the number of Ohioans employed.


My local Mc Donalds has raised prices today. Their explanation was the raise. Curious...they truthfully have claimed that they pay virtually all workers more than the minimum.


I expect others to follow. This is a tremendous profit opportunity for national food vendors.


What company would welcome their cost of business publicized? How to compete? What company would care to come to OH, now? What lawsuits do they face, forced to give out employee's personal information? How many will be beat up, shot, or killed?


Liberals don't care about consequences... they make horrible mistakes, polish their knobs, then blame others...;)

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Done...plus a bit more. A previous post of mine...


"The voters in OH overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment to raise the State minimum wage from $5.15 and hour to $6.85, and require annual cost-of-living adjustments thereafter.


There are of course reasons for and against the wage increase.


But the amendment contains disturbing language. Because of that, many of OH's major newspapers opposed it.


Any employee, or any interested party, can demand and get the salaries or wages of all employees at any business. Additionally, you will also be given the home address of all employees owned.


One can speculate what will happen at a workplace. Recriminations. Complaints. Some crumb has his eyes on your wife? He'll have your address. Some nutjob who was fired will be able to hunt you down with greater ease. A shady business that wants to bombard you with calls and mailings...no problem.

The folks who got it on the ballot were:


Ohioans for a Fair minimum Wage, the Economic Policy Institute, A.C.O.R.N., the Ohio AFL-CIO , Let Justice Roll, Senate Democratic Leader C.J. Prentiss.


The opposition was:


Ohioans to Protect Personal Privacy, National Restaurant Association, National Federation of Independent Business/Ohio, Cincinnati/USA Regional Chamber."



The number of authentic minimum workers in the State of Ohio is about 300,000. Go look it up. Rather small number compared to the number of Ohioans employed.


My local Mc Donalds has raised prices today. Their explanation was the raise. Curious...they truthfully have claimed that they pay virtually all workers more than the minimum.


I expect others to follow.  This is a tremendous profit opportunity for national food vendors.


What company would welcome their cost of business publicized? How to compete? What company would care to come to OH, now? What lawsuits do they face, forced to give out employee's personal information? How many will be beat up, shot, or killed?


Liberals don't care about consequences... they make horrible mistakes, polish their knobs, then blame others...:)


If they could just have all of your money, the government would do everything!

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Done...plus a bit more. A previous post of mine...


"The voters in OH overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment to raise the State minimum wage from $5.15 and hour to $6.85, and require annual cost-of-living adjustments thereafter.


There are of course reasons for and against the wage increase.


But the amendment contains disturbing language. Because of that, many of OH's major newspapers opposed it.


Any employee, or any interested party, can demand and get the salaries or wages of all employees at any business. Additionally, you will also be given the home address of all employees owned.


One can speculate what will happen at a workplace. Recriminations. Complaints. Some crumb has his eyes on your wife? He'll have your address. Some nutjob who was fired will be able to hunt you down with greater ease. A shady business that wants to bombard you with calls and mailings...no problem.

The folks who got it on the ballot were:


Ohioans for a Fair minimum Wage, the Economic Policy Institute, A.C.O.R.N., the Ohio AFL-CIO , Let Justice Roll, Senate Democratic Leader C.J. Prentiss.


The opposition was:


Ohioans to Protect Personal Privacy, National Restaurant Association, National Federation of Independent Business/Ohio, Cincinnati/USA Regional Chamber."



The number of authentic minimum workers in the State of Ohio is about 300,000. Go look it up. Rather small number compared to the number of Ohioans employed.


My local Mc Donalds has raised prices today. Their explanation was the raise. Curious...they truthfully have claimed that they pay virtually all workers more than the minimum.


I expect others to follow.  This is a tremendous profit opportunity for national food vendors.


What company would welcome their cost of business publicized? How to compete? What company would care to come to OH, now? What lawsuits do they face, forced to give out employee's personal information? How many will be beat up, shot, or killed?


Liberals don't care about consequences... they make horrible mistakes, polish their knobs, then blame others...:)


Lost in all the wailing and rending of garments in this post is that Issue 2 was voted on in the 2006 election, by actual citizens of Ohio, in a democratic fashion, and the Issue passed 56 to 43 percent.


It wasn't rammed down the good people of Ohio's throats by liberal activist judges. It wasn't forced upon the good people of Ohio by a liberal legislature hell-bent on destroying small businesses and pushing their anti-business, pro-gay agenda. It was actually voted on...and it passed.


Also, if some "crumb has his eye on your wife" this ammendment isn't going to be the catalyst that destroys your marriage. This ammendment isn't providing the impetus for disgruntled ex-employees to come and hunt you down. Telemarketers and shady competitors don't need this law to bug you or steal your intellectual property. They could get the info they needed to make Ohio Hell on Earth regardless of whether this ammendment passed.


It's a shame that your Egg McMuffin went up 5 cents, but let's try and keep this in perspective, shall we. Two million plus citizens of Ohio voted to raise the minimum wage in their state, and tie it to the cost of living.


Here's a link to the constitutional ammendment that passed in Ohio.


Issue 2, via SmartVoter.com


How many will be beat up, shot, or killed?

No more than usual.

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Also, if some "crumb has his eye on your wife" this ammendment isn't going to be the catalyst that destroys your marriage.  This ammendment isn't providing the impetus for disgruntled ex-employees to come and hunt you down.  Telemarketers and shady competitors don't need this law to bug you or steal your intellectual property.  They could get the info they needed to make Ohio Hell on Earth regardless of whether this ammendment passed.


That doesn't make that part of it right. It's the slippery slope that you liberals, for whatever reason, simply don't understand.


"They'll just get it anyway!" Perhaps we could write a pro-establishment song about it and make millions off the punk scene. :P

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Also, if some "crumb has his eye on your wife" this ammendment isn't going to be the catalyst that destroys your marriage.  This ammendment isn't providing the impetus for disgruntled ex-employees to come and hunt you down.  Telemarketers and shady competitors don't need this law to bug you or steal your intellectual property.  They could get the info they needed to make Ohio Hell on Earth regardless of whether this ammendment passed.



The above is a good example of why liberals (especially when they admit to it) lose. Sure, you picked up some seats, but a trend is a trend.


I hate to speak for another poster, but s.i.c. was not alluding to marital problems. He was clearly speaking of the criminal element having an easier time violating your privacy and placing women in a vulnerable position. You remember women, no? Aren't they one of the dems "protected species?" Would YOU want a criminal who works in a firm at which your wife is employed to have access to her address at his fingertips JUST because your liberal icons think that this is a good idea? Jesus Christ! :P


You see, I am FOR a higher minimum wage, but you phoney liberals make it impossible to support. Frankly, in many cases I don't think today's liberal wants support; just blind obedience to whatever is the trendy cause of the day.

Why did that b.s. have to be included in the bill? It appears as if they WANTED the bill to fail just so they could blame republicans instead of helping people in need, and of course get re-elected. A good plan too, whereas they could also serve their corporate masters that they pretend to be at odds with.


As the other poster stated, repubs are little different. Be it wars, illegal aliens, whatever.....they can be counted on to yell, "GAY MARRIAGES," and sidestep the issues that mean something, so this post is not a republican sound bite.


How about a little common !@#$ sense? It might really work.

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I hate to speak for another poster, but s.i.c. was not alluding to marital problems. He was clearly speaking of the criminal element having an easier time violating your privacy and placing women in a vulnerable position. You remember women, no? Aren't they one of the dems "protected species?" Would YOU want a criminal who works in a firm at which your wife is employed to have access to her address at his fingertips JUST because your liberal icons think that this is a good idea? Jesus Christ!  :P


How about a little common !@#$ sense? It might really work.


A little common sense, indeed. I know what Sic (love the acronym, btw) was trying to say, and I know what you're trying to say. But if you think employers keeping your paystubs for three years makes women an easier target you're insane.


If the "criminal element" wants to stalk someone I'm sure there are easier ways than by requesting a copy of another employee's records. They'd just follow them home. And if they're willing to break into a file system for an address of another employee then they already have the information in human resources or on some administative assistant's computer, unless you're going to tell me that up until this past November the 7th not a single employer in Ohio kept their employee's addresses and information on file. To quote you, "How about a little !@#$ [common] sense," instead of scare tactics and paranoia.


Lastly, the people of Ohio voted on this. I didn't. The "liberals" didn't force it on them. The "criminal elements" didn't pull the wool over their eyes. It was all right there in black and white on the ballot. Over two million of them voted for it. If Ohio has over two million stalkers and "criminal elements" that were waiting in the wings for Ohio companies to begin storing paystubs (which they already do, btw) just so they could rape and pillage their way through the Ohio valley, then Ohio has a bigger problem than a record keeping issue.

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