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My favorite albums from the last 10 years


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That seems to be a better, more agreeable description of TBS IMO.






I'd say they're not for everyone.  But from a producer's standpoint their music is impeccably crafted, their lyrics are really well-written and open to interpretation, and their combination of vocalists is awesome.  I just think these guys are doing something that nobody else out there is doing.  What did you hear of theirs that you didn't like?


For a newer fan I'd probably start with "Province" off the new record...  "Tonight" would be a close second.  For electronic music fans, Dave Sitek from TVOTR is producing the new Massive Attack.  Should be a good one.



What is that even called? Techno hippy or something? I just cant put a description with them.

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Just to add some fuel to the fire here....I just read a review of a TBS disc on an indie music site and they used the words "screamo" and "emo-core" to describe them.


Neither of those adjectives sound particular appealing to me, so I doubt I'll be checking out this band. The reviewer loved them tho'.

EDIT: I guess if I'm gonna chip in I might as well add a few bands that I've been listening to lately.


Sufjan Stevens ...everything by this guy

Yeah Yeah Yeahs


Death Cab


Broken Social Scene

Arcade Fire


The Fiery Furnaces

Iron & Wine

Songs: Ohia

TV on the Radio

Belle and Sebastian

The Shins



I saw Belle and Sebastian last year in Philly.

Awesome show.

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What is that even called? Techno hippy or something? I just cant put a description with them.


That's precisely why I like it so much. To name it is to limit it. We can call David Bowie (who appears on TVOTR's album, btw) rock, but that doesn't scratch the surface of what he really did. It just puts him in a neat little box for people to consume.


I guess if I were going to put it into any category it'd be post-punk, this not because it has anything to do with bands like Joy Division or Gang of Four, but because it's the kind of music that's possible because punk happened, but doesn't really draw on it heavily for influence -- if that makes any sense. The techno part doesn't really make sense to me because they have a live band (and are quite good at that, actually), nor does the hippy part -- everything's pretty structured, not free and loose like a jam band.


My phrase for it would be egalitarian groove, I guess. It's definitely a far world from Counting Crows.

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I saw Belle and Sebastian last year in Philly.

Awesome show.


I really dig their first three records but got off their train after that "Fold Your Hands, Child" record. I just thought that was dreadful and I'm happy enough with the other three.


Yo La Tengo probably put out the best record ever released on B&S' label, Matador --

I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One. Now that record is genius. It covers all the bases and does it well. They've churned out some other fine releases, but nothing that good.


Also, on the topic of Scots, Mogwai were at one time awesome and are still decent.

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Because it is hard to describe the feeling a sound gives you ... such as it is hard to describe that exact feeling you get when you first go to Disney World or first walk into a Bills game with the fans going nuts and music blasting.


Well if you can't define them, don't group them with a bunch of bands they don't have very much in common with. Then it bugs me when people try to give them their own definition but it's still "emo-based" (like "screamo" or "emo-core"). I don't understand why everyone clings to "emo" like every current band in the world has to in some way be "emo".


It's the same crap that happened to the Deftones 6-7 years ago. People said the Deftones are kinda like Korn who is kinda like Limp Bizkit so they're all "rap-rock".


Emo is Saves the Day's "Stay What You Are" album. TBS is more like a party band with their last two albums. No emo band would ever write songs like "Spin" and "Error: Operator".


EDIT: By the way, if anyone cares (or is still reading this thread besides the 5 of us still posting in it) the entire new Deftones album is available to listen to on their myspace page (myspace.com/deftones). "Hole in the Earth" is an awesome song.

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EDIT: By the way, if anyone cares (or is still reading this thread besides the 5 of us still posting in it).





On a side note, at the movie theater last night this group of like 15 emo kids were at the movie SAW. They kept on talking throughout the movie, until someone stood up and said "shut up you little emo bitches, before I kick your ass."

One of the little emo-ites started crying! :P0:):lol: That almost made up for the fact that the movie sucked.

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On a side note, at the movie theater last night this group of like 15 emo kids were at the movie SAW. They kept on talking throughout the movie, until someone stood up and said "shut up you little emo bitches, before I kick your ass."

One of the little emo-ites started crying!  :P  0:)  :lol:  That almost made up for the fact that the movie sucked.



even though i thought the first two Saw's sucked, i get a good laugh from the little emo kids. When i was observing a teacher in Greece, it was funny when an emo-ite had his hair get caught in between desks, as the kid was sleeping in class and the kid in front of him back her desk into his. So, class ends and he pulls headto have it caught, so inreaction his face went straight back into the desk. no blood or anything, but too funny to hear a "THUD"

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Well if you can't define them, don't group them with a bunch of bands they don't have very much in common with.  Then it bugs me when people try to give them their own definition but it's still "emo-based" (like "screamo" or "emo-core").  I don't understand why everyone clings to "emo" like every current band in the world has to in some way be "emo". 


It's the same crap that happened to the Deftones 6-7 years ago.  People said the Deftones are kinda like Korn who is kinda like Limp Bizkit so they're all "rap-rock".


Emo is Saves the Day's "Stay What You Are" album.  TBS is more like a party band with their last two albums.  No emo band would ever write songs like "Spin" and "Error: Operator".


EDIT: By the way, if anyone cares (or is still reading this thread besides the 5 of us still posting in it) the entire new Deftones album is available to listen to on their myspace page (myspace.com/deftones).  "Hole in the Earth" is an awesome song.



Spin and Error Operator were BOTH on Louder Now ... TAYF and WYWTB were both pretty emo, with the exception of Fred Astaire.




On a side note, at the movie theater last night this group of like 15 emo kids were at the movie SAW. They kept on talking throughout the movie, until someone stood up and said "shut up you little emo bitches, before I kick your ass."

One of the little emo-ites started crying!  :lol:  :P  :lol:  That almost made up for the fact that the movie sucked.



How do you know they were "emo" ?

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Spin and Error Operator were BOTH on Louder Now ... TAYF and WYWTB were both pretty emo, with the exception of Fred Astaire.


Tell All Your Friends wasn't emo at all. Any emo influence in TBS left with John Nolan.
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Tell All Your Friends wasn't emo at all.  Any emo influence in TBS left with John Nolan.


Tell All Your Friends wasn't emo at all.  Any emo influence in TBS left with John Nolan.



John Nolan was in TAYF :lol:


John Nolan even toured with TBS after the release of TBS. :P


The more you post on this topic, the more ignorant you sound. Go to a scene concert ...


just to recap for those just joining the thread:


It is SilverNRed (thinking he knows everything about music)




MTV, VHI, Rolling Stones, CD Universe, Rhapsody, Amazon, BBC, Stylus Magazine, DaQuixers_is_back


of course he goes onto to say that none on the above list is credible and that he by himself knows more than all of them ... its ridiculous.


With that in mind and silverNred's ignorance on THIS subject established ... I shall say "goodbye" to this thread.

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John Nolan was in TAYF  :lol:


John Nolan even toured with TBS after the release of TBS.  :P


The more you post on this topic, the more ignorant you sound. Go to a scene concert ...


just to recap for those just joining the thread:


It is SilverNRed (thinking he knows everything about music)




MTV, VHI, Rolling Stones, CD Universe, Rhapsody, Amazon, BBC, Stylus Magazine, DaQuixers_is_back


of course he goes onto to say that none on the above list is credible and that he by himself knows more than all of them ... its ridiculous.


With that in mind and silverNred's ignorance on THIS subject established ... I shall say "goodbye" to this thread.


You're kidding right? You know that was just a slip of the tongue and I wrote "Tell All Your Friends" when I clearly meant "Where You Want To Be"? Way to overreact.


I like how you waited the entire thread until I accidentally wrote the wrong thing to jump in and declare me ignorant. You, of course, being the person who gave that legendary definition of emo as being "...about sound and emotion." But, hey, nice going finding that typo a couple posts ago. Great tactic. :lol:


If this whole argument was determined based on grammar, you lost a long time ago. Here's a sample:

Uhm, that is the 20 year old definition of Emo. The whole whiny voice thing. Emo = emotion. EMO music is angst filled music filling an album with angst split with songs of low slow melodys. Thus the term "emo" came from. The album changes quickly and they cant seem to make up their mind. They love the girl one minute and then hate them the next. The band combinds many lyrics sang by 2 or 3 different members at the end of the song and stuff like that.


Congratulations on those new words you invented, along with your overall weak grasp of the English language. And were you saying something about law school before? Yeah, good luck with that. I'd definitely want to hire the lawyer who can't spell, can't express himself ("uh...uh...sound and emotion!"), and thinks the case is over due to a single slip of the tongue. :lol::P


EDIT: BTW, nice job having the same quote twice at the top of your post. I'm sure SDS can send you some tips if you're having a tough time figuring out how to use the message board.

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You're kidding right?  You know that was just a slip of the tongue and I wrote "Tell All Your Friends" when I clearly meant "Where You Want To Be"?  Way to overreact.


I like how you waited the entire thread until I accidentally wrote the wrong thing to jump in and declare me ignorant.  You, of course, being the person who gave that legendary definition of emo as being "...about sound and emotion."  But, hey, nice going finding that typo a couple posts ago.  Great tactic.  :lol:


If this whole argument was determined based on grammar, you lost a long time ago.  Here's a sample:Congratulations on those new words you invented, along with your overall weak grasp of the English language.  And were you saying something about law school before?  Yeah, good luck with that.  I'd definitely want to hire the lawyer who can't spell, can't express himself ("uh...uh...sound and emotion!"), and thinks the case is over due to a single slip of the tongue. :lol:  :P


EDIT:  BTW, nice job having the same quote twice at the top of your post.  I'm sure SDS can send you some tips if you're having a tough time figuring out how to use the message board.



Actually after cooling off, I do realize I was way to harsh on the subject. No need for that. Sorry.


Secondly, what does my grammar have to do with anything? We are debating music, and you bring up grammar? That would be like us debating JP Losman VS Eli Manning, and me bringing up Foosball. It just doesnt make any sense. I dont pay any attention to grammar on a message board ... especially when half of the time I am typing in the wee hours of the morning.


BTW: a slip of the tongue could lose a case for you (criminal case) ... its called reasonable doubt.

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Not one top 40 in there, you guys are trying to out-cool each other on who knows the  most obscure band. You guys are my heroes!


Your ignorance seems to seep into most of your posts, doesn't it?


Some people just actually enjoy sharing good music with one another. Others enjoy arguing about who's more punk or less emo. It's all in good fun, I think. And I'm sure there are at least a few top 40 records in here. BTW, Top 40 usually refers to the singles. Top 200 is the album chart.


Why don't you share with us all the awesome top 40 records released in the past decade, if you feel that strongly about it? Obviously something is only good if the masses latch onto it. :lol:

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Not one top 40 in there, you guys are trying to out-cool each other on who knows the  most obscure band. You guys are my heroes!


You're right, we should really be talking about JP versus Eli or one of the other 1000 QB threads. I think we're only 1-2 threads away from finally figuring out what the Bills should do to get back to the Super Bowl. :lol::P


This thread isn't about obscure bands. It's mostly about one guy who can't define "emo" but thinks every band is "emo." :lol:

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