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My favorite albums from the last 10 years


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There are definitions that work.  It's just that any accurate definition excludes bands like Taking Back Sunday and Brand New pretty easily.  "Sound and emotion" doesn't cut it because that's plenty of different types of music (your definitions are actually getting more vague if that's possible).


I can listen to TBS and (if I have to) Rufio and MCR and tell you that TBS has a completely different sound than the other two.  They have basically nothing in common, aside from the fact that they're popular rock bands that are unnecessarily lumped together for some reason.


Yes, "emo" is the popular term of the moment.  Just like "rap-rock" used to be popular and applied to plenty of bands that did not work, and just like "alternative" was applied to plenty of bands that were not before that.



I dont know what to say bro. Go to a scene concert and say that ... you might learn something. TBS's latest album (Louder Now) is FAR from EMO ... TAYF is emo. Their is no other way around it. If you dont think so, then you simply have no idea what your talking about. Im sorry, but you sound like the 15 year old kids who i see at scene concerts who think they know everything, and really know very little about the genre.


For reference


TBS before 2004 = EMO

TBS after 2004 = alternative rock/whatever you want to call it

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I dont know what to say bro. Go to a scene concert and say that ... you might learn something. TBS's latest album (Louder Now) is FAR from EMO ... TAYF  is emo. Their is no other way around it. If you dont think so, then  you simply have no idea what your talking about. Im sorry, but you sound like the 15 year old kids who i see at scene concerts who think they know everything, and really know very little about the genre.


For reference


TBS before 2004 = EMO

TBS after 2004 = alternative rock/whatever you want to call it


Tell All Your Friends was TBS's first album and the only time they were even close to emo. And even then it was barely there. None of their songs had that "I'm so heart broken, I can't possibly go on" emo vibe. The songs were angry and some were about girls but that's pretty much what ever guy starts writing songs about.


After that album, John Nolan left the band and any emo influence vanished. Their last two albums have been much better. How can TBS possibly be an "emo" band if most of their albums are NOT emo and their only emo-ish album was years ago before the band ditched two key members?


You think I sound like a 15 year old? You're the genius that just tried to define emo as music "about sound and emotion." <_< Perhaps you should go hang out with some more 15 year olds so that you can sound smart by comparison.

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Tell All Your Friends was TBS's first album and the only time they were even close to emo.  And even then it was barely there.  None of their songs had that "I'm so heart broken, I can't possibly go on" emo vibe.  The songs were angry and some were about girls but that's pretty much what ever guy starts writing songs about. 


After that album, John Nolan left the band and any emo influence vanished.  Their last two albums have been much better.  How can TBS possibly be an "emo" band if most of their albums are NOT emo and their only emo-ish album was years ago before the band ditched two key members?


You think I sound like a 15 year old?  You're the genius that just tried to define emo as music "about sound and emotion."  <_<  Perhaps you should go hang out with some more 15 year olds so that you can sound smart by comparison.





None of their songs had that "I'm so heart broken, I can't possibly go on" emo vibe.



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The funny part is that TBS's bio on VHI talks about how they take theur version of the sound from bands like Sunny Day Real Estate ... now if you dont think SDRE is emo then your out of your mind.


The bio also says that Ed (TBS's guitarist) has another Emo band called the MovieLife


Download.com's music section also had this to say:


"... If you're a fan of well-crafted, melodic punk or emo, then you already know (or should know, where have you been?) what they're all about. "


MTV.com ... "Two of emo-punks biggest acts - Jimmy Eat World and Taking back Sunday - ... "

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"...  If you're a fan of well-crafted, melodic punk or emo, then you already know (or should know, where have you been?) what they're all about. "



Enough with the EMO talk, it is embarrassing. Men and their "feelings" should be strangers if not outright enemies.


Get on board with ANEMO (Absolutely no emotion) with this clip of the passionless and ridiculously obscure Magneta Lane.


July 2006


Be careful not to get trampled by the mob...

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"...  If you're a fan of well-crafted, melodic punk or emo, then you already know (or should know, where have you been?) what they're all about. "


MTV.com ... "Two of emo-punks biggest acts - Jimmy Eat World and Taking back Sunday - ... "


Thanks for providing two more quotes from people who don't know what they're talking about. :lol:


And when is the last time anyone looked to MTV as an authority on music? They're an authority on reality shows starring 16 year olds but probably not music....

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Thanks for providing two more quotes from people who don't know what they're talking about.  :doh:


And when is the last time anyone looked to MTV as an authority on music?  They're an authority on reality shows starring 16 year olds but probably not music....



Right. Nevermind the fact that the ACTUAL BAND once called themselves emo.

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Right. Nevermind the fact that the ACTUAL BAND once called themselves emo.


If you had a link for that, you would've already posted it.


Instead, you've posted a few vague, broad definitions of "emo" that manage to encompass every type of music in the world.

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If you had a link for that, you would've already posted it.


Instead, you've posted a few vague, broad definitions of "emo" that manage to encompass every type of music in the world.



No I thought they did, but I cant seem to find any evidence for it.


But yet again .. another media outlet calling them Emo. This one by the ROLLING STONES;


"Hot Emo: Taking Back Sunday

For a bunch of warped drama kings, these Long Island punks sure play a mean kickball"




So far you have discredited Download.com music reviews, MTV, and im sure you will discredit Rolling Stones too.

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So far you have discredited Download.com music reviews, MTV, and im sure you will discredit Rolling Stones too.


Why not? They're not emo and I basically have no regard for journalists, most of whom seem either lazy or imcompetent or both. "Emo" is the overused term of the moment. Even you can't define it, and when you do define it it's either too vague to mean anything or the definition doesn't fit Taking Back Sunday.

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Just to add some fuel to the fire here....I just read a review of a TBS disc on an indie music site and they used the words "screamo" and "emo-core" to describe them.


Neither of those adjectives sound particular appealing to me, so I doubt I'll be checking out this band. The reviewer loved them tho'.



EDIT: I guess if I'm gonna chip in I might as well add a few bands that I've been listening to lately.


Sufjan Stevens ...everything by this guy

Yeah Yeah Yeahs


Death Cab


Broken Social Scene

Arcade Fire


The Fiery Furnaces

Iron & Wine

Songs: Ohia

TV on the Radio

Belle and Sebastian

The Shins

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Why not?  They're not emo and I basically have no regard for journalists, most of whom seem either lazy or imcompetent or both.  "Emo" is the overused term of the moment.  Even you can't define it, and when you do define it it's either too vague to mean anything or the definition doesn't fit Taking Back Sunday.



Because it is hard to describe the feeling a sound gives you ... such as it is hard to describe that exact feeling you get when you first go to Disney World or first walk into a Bills game with the fans going nuts and music blasting.

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Just to add some fuel to the fire here....I just read a review of a TBS disc on an indie music site and they used the words "screamo" and "emo-core" to describe them.


That seems to be a better, more agreeable description of TBS IMO.

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I reallyyy tried to get into them. It just didnt work.


I'd say they're not for everyone. But from a producer's standpoint their music is impeccably crafted, their lyrics are really well-written and open to interpretation, and their combination of vocalists is awesome. I just think these guys are doing something that nobody else out there is doing. What did you hear of theirs that you didn't like?


For a newer fan I'd probably start with "Province" off the new record... "Tonight" would be a close second. For electronic music fans, Dave Sitek from TVOTR is producing the new Massive Attack. Should be a good one.

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