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Sapporo Beer - Anyone know where


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I went out for sushi the other night and was introduced to Sapporo. It's a Japanese beer, however I think its actually brewed in the US. It comes in this very large, heavy can and tastes like an American Beer (beer snobs, just hang on) but with a more "beer-like" taste... if that makes any sense. I found their website, and it says there is one distributor in buffalo. Wondering if anyone knows of any stores that sell it. I went to Wegmans last night and coulnd't find it.

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its a fairly common beer, you should be able to find it at any specialty retailer or boutique


I went out for sushi the other night and was introduced to Sapporo. It's a Japanese beer, however I think its actually brewed in the US. It comes in this very large, heavy can and tastes like an American Beer (beer snobs, just hang on) but with a more "beer-like" taste... if that makes any sense. I found their website, and it says there is one distributor in buffalo. Wondering if anyone knows of any stores that sell it. I went to Wegmans last night and coulnd't find it.


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