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Anybody ever had back surgery?

Stl Bills

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2 weeks after getting done going to physical therapy for the torn labrum I had fixed in my left shoulder, I completely ruptured a disc in my back doing squats at the gym and now I have to have back surgery tomorrow. 2 Surgeries in 5 months! I'm only 23, I'm not supposed to be having back Surgery! Anybody ever had a discectomy or microdiscectomy done on their back? Just was kind of wondering what to expect.

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My wife had back surgery last year, and it was supposed to be outpatient. The only reason she had to stay the night was because the surgeon didn't start until 4pm.


She was a little sore the next morning, but we still went to the grocery store right after she got out of the hospital. Of course after that, she slept for the next couple of days.


You should be fine :devil:

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2 weeks after getting done going to physical therapy for the torn labrum I had fixed in my left shoulder, I completely ruptured a disc in my back doing squats at the gym and now I have to have back surgery tomorrow.  2 Surgeries in 5 months! I'm only 23, I'm not supposed to be having back Surgery!  Anybody ever had a discectomy or microdiscectomy done on their back?  Just was kind of wondering what to expect.



Go easy on the lifting there Hulkster.

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Go easy on the lifting there Hulkster.


Thats the thing...I was going easy; it was actually a warm up set of just 135lbs. Thats not a lot when doing squats. Just kind of a freak thing.

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Thats the thing...I was going easy; it was actually a warm up set of just 135lbs.  Thats not a lot when doing squats.  Just kind of a freak thing.



do you see a specialist? it's not normal to injure yourself like that unless you're either not doing something properly.. or are unfortunate and have a rather weak back.

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Have you gotten a second opinion? Please tell me you have?


Yes and a third, the Dr. who's doing my surgery specializes in Spinal Surgery and really seems to be a good doctor. He was recommended by the Dr. who fixed my shoulder and he was great (he fixed C. Williams ankle in College).


do you see a specialist?  it's not normal to injure yourself like that unless you're either not doing something properly.. or are unfortunate and have a rather weak back.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure my form was a little off and that was the cause of the injury. Should have been more careful but the weird thing was that since I just spent the last three months rehabing my shoulder, the only excercises I was able to do were core excersizes and legs. At that point my back, core, and legs were the strongest they've ever been.

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Had a discectomy a few months back (neck). Out the same day. First few days were pretty painful, but it had more to do with the fact that the surgery was in the area of my throat. I'm willing to bet the back would not be quite as bad.


At any rate, alomst 5 months later, I feel pretty good. Still hurts when I sleep, but I'm used to it by now.


Follow all intructions from your doctor, and don't be afriad to ask questions! And good luck!!!

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You could rupture a disc with as little as ten pounds, it just depends on where you are holding the weight in relation to your body. That ten pounds up close to your torso is still ten pounds. If you hold it outstretched in front of you, it puts an exponential amt of weight on your lower back.


As for the surgery, you're smart to go with a spinal/neuro guy. I don't recommend orthopedic surgeons for back issues. But I work on a neuro floor and happened to be in the OR two weeks ago with one of the better surgeons. Basically you'll go to pre-op holding for a while, they'll start an IV, get some fluids going, have you fill out some paperwork, stuff like that. When the surgeon is ready, you'll be taken to the OR, they'll give you some nice laa-laa medicine, stick a tube down your trachea, flip you onto your stomach, cut a 2-6" incision depending on how much of your spine they'll be working on, dissect the muscle tissue down to the spinal column, remove the offending parts of the disc/tissue from the nerve root(s), close you up, use either dermabond (skin glue), staples, or sutures to approximate the edges of the incision, and wait til you wake up 0:)


You'll be in the PACU when you come around, but you'll still be groggy. They'll take you to a floor (possibly a neuro floor), you'll have frequent vital signs and neuro checks (about every fifteen mins for the first hour), and you'll be encouraged to cough and take deep breaths every so often. One of the main complications post-op is "atelectasis", which is basically part of your lungs not completely opening up/expanding when you breathe, which can put you at risk for pneuomnia. So remember to take deep breaths! You'll also (hopefully) find that you have funny stockings on your legs and a machine that intermittently squeezes your calves. This is to prevent DVT (blood clots in the legs). They'll take them off once you're up and about, which you should try to do as soon as you're ready.


As for going home, there are four things you need to do before they'll discharge you: Tolerate a diet, urinate w/out retention, tolerate activity, and pain control. You don't want to be lying around after this procedure...you want to be up and about, eating, drinking, and peeing as soon as you can tolerate it.


I just hope you get some hot young nurse to take care of you, and you don't see some big oaf like me coming into the room :devil:


Hope that helps!

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I just had back surgery a couple weeks ago to remove some discs and debris that had been pressing on my spinal cord and giving me grief for 15 years. Although I'd heard some horror stories, teh surgery itself was a cakewalk.

Within 15 minutes of waking up I was able to unplug my IV tree and sneak outside to smoke a butt (the only reason those really pissed off nurses caught me is because it started to rain and I came back in wet :devil: ). Then it took me less than 5 minutes to talk the neurosurgeon into letting me get home by supper. It was sore that day and the next but not so much that I couldn't go out and take a short walk every hour or two.

Within a week (even before they took my staples out) I was driving, cooking, having sex, grocery shopping, etc. Now two weeks later I'm up to swimming, mowing the lawn, paddling a kayak, light wrestling with kids, etc. and there's really no pain, just the occasional fatigue and slight discomfort if I overdo it. Doc says another couple weeks and I'll be able to do some heavy lifting, hit the golf course and other more strenous/back intensive stuff.

No worries StL, modern surgical technique is incredible and the recovery was no big deal at all. I already feel better than I did before the surgery and if you've got a sharp doc with a good touch you're going to breeze through this like a scalpel through skin. 0:)


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God's repayment for a Porsche and a Lexus?  :devil:


Believe me Cincy, I really wish I had never brought that up. I wasn't trying to brag about what kind of car I was driving rather I was trying defend myself after being called a moron. I guess I was trying to say that for such a big moron I have had a little success in the business world at a relatively young age. Anyway sold them both (was a Porsche and a Infiniti) and bought a much cheaper Subaru WRX STI and I'm telling you this thing would smoke my old 911. I love that freakin car.

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Believe me Cincy, I really wish I had never brought that up.  I wasn't trying to brag about what kind of car I was driving rather I was trying defend myself after being called a moron.  I guess I was trying to say that for such a big moron I have had a little success in the business world at a relatively young age.  Anyway sold them both (was a Porsche and a Infiniti) and bought a much cheaper Subaru WRX STI and I'm telling you this thing would smoke my old 911.  I love that freakin car.



I drove a WRX STI. I'd still rather have the Porsche. ... or get both :devil:

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