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No one can no longer deny the following truths


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1. The Bills always come up small when it matters most.

2. Travis henry makes the worst mistakes at the worst possible times.

3. Travis is horrible at blitz pickup, and is responsible for HOW MANY hits on drew?

4. Josh Reed comes up small too. The guy can't catch when it matters most.

5. Don't be fooled by a few nice passes from Drew. He's the King of coming up small.

6. The Bills appear to be jinxed. How many times does the worst possible thing happen at the worst possible time? How many times do the Bills get the worst calls against them at the worst possible time? How many other teams in this league can have a playcall miscommunication on 4th down after a timeout? How  many times do non-calls happen that should have turned the game?

7. No other teams have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat as often as the Bills.

8. 3 AFC losses do not put us in position to win a wildcard. And there's no way in hell we're going to win the division.

9. This team is full of losers who don't know how to win. How can you deny it? The coaches did not lose this game. THey called a good game.

10. Coy Wire is merely a poor man's larry izzo. THat is, he's not as good a STer as izzo, and just as bad a defender. The man has no business as a starting saftey in the NFL. When was the last time he made  a play?

11. We're going to hear all the same excuses all week. And nothing is going to change next week. We have key injuries now on our line, so expect the backups to fug up royally in the coming weeks. The baton will be passed to the next few people who will find a way to lose for us.

12. None of us have the right anymore to blame gregg williams and kevin gilbride for our heartless losses last year. Yes, williams' gameday choices often blew, and gilbride was a lousy, stubborn playcaller. But they still only had heartless losers to work with. Now we can see that more clearly.

13. The personnel team's good decisions aside, they've blown it royally at the safety position.


I'll leave it at 13, which is perfect for this team. The Bills will finish 7-9, or 6-10, hand Dallas a high 1st round pick, and the Bills team will continue to believe that Drew gives us the best chance to win in 2005. Sleep well.


I disagree with 13. When Milloy comes back & Vincent we could be good at safety. Put Mcgee at corner now.
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Remember that saying, "You play the way you practice"?


The evidence seems to indicate either the Bills do not practice or their practices are the sloppiest most disorganized chaotic set of random activities one can imagine.  Are the coaches out on the golf course during practices or something?



The K-Man making an appearance! What's up Bro?


To your point...I heard Jeff Morrison talking about this exact thing recently on The Howard Simon Show, and to the best of my recollection he was saying the Players are stunned after Gameday because the Practices are so crisp usually...


I don't know what it is, but when Sundays come around, these guys put on their collective dunce caps... :blink:

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The K-Man making an appearance! What's up Bro?


To your point...I heard Jeff Morrison talking about this exact thing recently on The Howard Simon Show, and to the best of my recollection he was saying the Players are stunned after Gameday because the Practices are so crisp usually...


I don't know what it is, but when Sundays come around, these guys put on their collective dunce caps... :)


The practices are full of crispy cremes?


I don't know. 4th and 3, call a timeout and everybody runs a different play? That doesn't seem real crisp. The adjustments up front were non-existant.


On the positive side, I was glad to see the much maligned Jerry Gray really going after it with his troops today. On the other hand, it'd be nice to not have to blitz to generate any semblance of pressure at all.

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The Bills will finish 7-9, or 6-10, hand Dallas a high 1st round pick, and the Bills team will continue to believe that Drew gives us the best chance to win in 2005. Sleep well.


6 or 7 wins? Are there 6 or 7 teams we can beat? I see two maybe: Miami and Arizona, but I also see 0-16 a distinct possibilty as well. This team is circling the drain, people.



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I have always been a Drew supporter and still am. But this really sinks in:


I'll leave it at 13, which is perfect for this team. The Bills will finish 7-9, or 6-10, hand Dallas a high 1st round pick, and the Bills team will continue to believe that Drew gives us the best chance to win in 2005. Sleep well.


I am all for Losman starting as soon as he is healthy. If the Bills are going to have a lousy year, no high first round pick, and Losman is the future, you play the future now.


I still think it is a good choice (picking Losman) obviously they knew that no good high 1st round QB will come out next year? :) The Bills need a future QB.


Just my logic... :angry:

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