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Any Inspirational Movie Quotes


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"Nothing is f----ed, dude."



That's solid.



As for me, I gotta go with Jesse the Body in Predator. One of my favorite movie quotes of all time:


Poncho: "You're bleeding, man."


Blain: "I ain't got time to bleed."

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Lindy Ruff: I am personally placing a hundred-dollar bounty on the head of Rod Brind Amour. He's the center and chief punk on that Carolina team.

Jim Lorentz: A bounty?

Lindy Ruff: Yeah, one hundred bucks of my own money for the first of my men who really creams that guy.

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[Lindy is trying to get his pre-game nap]

Regier: Are you crazy? We could all end up in the clinker for this. You can't put a bounty on a man's head.

Lindy: I just did.

[Hangs up, Phone rings again]

Eric Mair: Coach, I want that hundred dollars.

Lindy: Ya gotta earn it, Killer.

Mair: My attitude's right.

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[Lindy is trying to get his pre-game nap]

Regier: Are you crazy? We could all end up in the clinker for this. You can't put a bounty on a man's head.

Lindy: I just did.

[Hangs up, Phone rings again]

Eric Mair: Coach, I want that hundred dollars.

Lindy: Ya gotta earn it, Killer.

Mair: My attitude's right.







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Brind'AMour: Hundred bucks says you're gonna crack my skull.

Briere: I wouldn't crack your knuckles for a hundred bucks.

Brind'amour: So, he's bluffing.

Briere: "Somebody's gonna kill you, ya dumb son of a B word, but it's not gonna be me.

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Two classics:


Lou Brown: [at a team meeting] Can I have your attention, please?

[picks up a bat and leans on it like a walking stick]

Lou Brown: I have something I think you all ought to know about.It seems that Mrs. Phelps doesn't think too highly of our worth. She put this team together because she thought we'd be bad enough to finish dead last, knocking attendance down to the point where she could move the team to Miami... and get rid of all of us for better personnel.

Roger Dorn: Even me?

Lou Brown: Even you, Dorn.

Eddie Harris: What if we DON'T finish last?

Lou Brown: She'll REPLACE you with somebody who WILL. After this season, you'll be sent back to the minors or given your outright release.

Jake Taylor: [Jake stands up] Well then I guess there's only one thing left to do.

Roger Dorn: What's that?

Jake Taylor: Win the whole !@#$ing thing.

[long pause]

Willie Mays Hayes: [Willie stands up] Yeah.

Pedro Cerrano: [Pedro pounds his hand] YES!




Roger Dorn: Let's cut through the crap, Vaughn. I only got one thing to say to you: "Strike this mother !@#$er out."

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Fast Forward to game 7 Thursday.....

Lindy: It's their rink, it's their ice, and it's their !@#$in' town. But tonight we got our fans with us!

[other players cheer]

Lindy: . They spent their own dough to get here, and they came here to see us! All right, let's show 'em what we got, guys! Get out there on the ice and let 'em know you're there. Get that !@#$in' stick in their side. Let 'em know you're there! Get that lumber in his teeth. Let 'em know you're there!

Briere: Bleed all over 'em. Let 'em know you're there.

Lindy: Give 'em a good warm-up, Ryan. Come on, fellas!

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Lou Brown: I have something I think you all ought to know about.It seems that Mrs. Phelps doesn't think too highly of our worth. She put this team together because she thought we'd be bad enough to finish dead last, knocking attendance down to the point where she could move the team to Miami... and get rid of all of us for better personnel.


And after all that, Miami can't even manage to keep a team.

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Captain James T. Kirk: "I take it the odds are against us and the situation is grim."

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "You could say that."

Captain James T. Kirk: "Sounds like fun!"

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Jules: This was Divine Intervention! You know what "divine intervention" is?

Vincent: Yeah, I think so. That means God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets.

Jules: Yeah, man, that's what is means. That's exactly what it means! God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets.

Vincent: I think we should be going now.

Jules: Don't do that! Don't you !@#$ing do that! Don't blow this sh-- off! What just happened was a !@#$ing miracle!

Vincent: Chill the !@#$ out, Jules, this sh-- happens.

Jules: Wrong! Wrong, this sh-- doesn't just happen.

Vincent: Do you wanna continue this theological discussion in the car, or at the jailhouse with the cops?

Jules: We should be !@#$in' dead now, my friend! We just witnessed a miracle, and I want you to !@#$ing acknowledge it!

Vincent: Okay man, it was a miracle, can we leave now?

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"There's just one thing left to do....... Win the whole F****ng thing"


"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark out and we're wearing sunglasses"........"HIT IT"


"We're on a Mission from God"


"Over?.....Did you say over?.........Nothing is over until we decided it is........Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?..........HELL NO! and it ain't over now....."

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Missed this thread yesterday, but I would have suggested this:


Lindy Ruff: No one, and I mean no one, comes into our house and pushes us around.


Today I'll go with this:


Freak: I can't think of a single movie that couldn't be improved by a lesbian sex scene.


Hey, it's an off day. :lol:

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Two classics:


Lou Brown: [at a team meeting] Can I have your attention, please?

[picks up a bat and leans on it like a walking stick]

Lou Brown: I have something I think you all ought to know about.It seems that Mrs. Phelps doesn't think too highly of our worth. She put this team together because she thought we'd be bad enough to finish dead last, knocking attendance down to the point where she could move the team to Miami... and get rid of all of us for better personnel.

Roger Dorn: Even me?

Lou Brown: Even you, Dorn.

Eddie Harris: What if we DON'T finish last?

Lou Brown: She'll REPLACE you with somebody who WILL. After this season, you'll be sent back to the minors or given your outright release.

Jake Taylor: [Jake stands up] Well then I guess there's only one thing left to do.

Roger Dorn: What's that?

Jake Taylor: Win the whole !@#$ing thing.

[long pause]

Willie Mays Hayes: [Willie stands up] Yeah.

Pedro Cerrano: [Pedro pounds his hand] YES!




Roger Dorn: Let's cut through the crap, Vaughn. I only got one thing to say to you: "Strike this mother !@#$er out."




Thank you.


From the bottom of my heart. Thank you. :lol:



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