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Some thoughts on the Pats game


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Spoken like a typical Pats fan. I only regret you won't be around the day your team starts losing. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it.


The reason people like you live on a Bills message board is because we're the only kind of fans who stay with their team regardless of their record and give you an audience. You can't do this on a Jets board because they're tied with you at 2-0. You can barely do it on a good Miami board because most of them have abandoned ship already.


But you can always count on Bills fans to show up...and where there are hardcore fans, there will always be guys like yourself gloating and prodding and spouting off.


Until your team starts to lose.


Which it will someday...and thenl you'll be like every other Pats fan. Gone. Looking for Red Sox tickets. Talking about how you've ALWAYS been a hardcore Red Sox fan.  Until they lose. And then you'll be stuck by yourself wondering why Pats fans don't hold a candle to Bills fans.


Someday kids like you will learn. And when they do, Bills fans will still be gathering regardless of how our team is doing.


Good post Paco B)

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