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Is it really all Marv?

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More and more posts are offering strong opinions on the job "Marv" is doing - good or bad - in free agency...


Frankly, I can't get my arms around the belief that he is initiating even a small number of these moves... I won't go as far as to call him a figurehead, but if he's truly making the final call, he's being convinced by other entities - Modrak, Jauron, the coordinators, etc. - that these players are right for the organization...


You might argue that this is the case on all teams, but where the Bills are concerned, I'd be willing to bet it's even more so...

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Do you think that Marv would EVER be a "figurehead?"  I just don't see it, and certainly not when it comes to Modrak and Jauron, who never accomplished as much as Levy did while as a HC.



An 80 year-old that's been out of the game for almost 10 years, who displayed at least a mild desperation to get back into it, might be willing to take on a role that holds less responsibility than the title indicates...


Again, I think he's involved, I just don't see him as the orchestrator...

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Do you think that Marv would EVER be a "figurehead?"  I just don't see it, and certainly not when it comes to Modrak and Jauron, who never accomplished as much as Levy did while as a HC.



The topic isn't "head coach". It's GM. When Marv had his success he had Big Bill Polian feeding him a roster of Hall Of Famers. Marv had never been in a NFL position to acquire talent. If you want to reach back to retrieve the glory days then go get Bill Polian. Do that then you got something. Bringing in Marv is just an appeasement to the Bills fans who tend to hang on to the past and concentrate on things that don't matter (like how a coach talks or where a QB lives) then reality. :devil:

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The topic isn't "head coach". It's GM. When Marv had his success he had Big Bill Polian  feeding him a roster of Hall Of Famers. Marv had never been in a NFL position to acquire talent. If you want to reach back to retrieve the glory days then go get Bill Polian. Do that then you got something. Bringing in Marv is just an appeasement to the Bills fans who tend to hang on to the past and concentrate on things that don't matter (like how a coach talks or where a QB lives) then reality. :devil:


Who was the first person to see the talent in Bill Polian and give him his first break?

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Who was the first person to see the talent in Bill Polian and give him his first break?



I assume your talking about the CFL connection?


Marv was always an administrator. Not a pro talent guy. Hiring "football guys" not "football players" was Marv's strength. He'll even admit to not being much of a coach. He has always prided himself on putting the coaches in place so he didn't have to coach.


But we are talking a different animal here. GM is not a head coach. He is now, because of his friendship with Ralph no other reason, GM of a 5-11 team. He has released a lot of players and has yet to bring in one player that could have started last year for the Bills.

You can't have depth unless you have starters. On the lines for the Bills they have only one.

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Marv is the perfect man for the job he was hired to do. He is the point man between the team and Ralph. He is basically Ralph's eyes and ears. Marv let's Ralph know what is going on, something TD never did.


Levy talks to everybody. He talks to Modrak, Overdorf, Jauron. Through Jauron, he talks to the assistants. Everybody tells Marv what they think, and Marv decides which way to go.


Example: (1) Assistant says player X from his old team is a potential starter. (2) Levy ask Modrak and Jauron their take. (3) Overdorf tells them how much he'll cost (4) After weighing the facts, Levy makes the final decision. (5) Player is signed, or not, and Marv briefs Wilson over a hot Bosco.


This is a good model for any company, as much a football team. This is 180-degrees from the white-haired tyrrant who ruled One Bills Drive with an iron fist. It's no surprise the Bills were as dysfunctional as they were. If Marv fixes anyting, it's the atmosphere of One Bills Drive. Fix that and good things are bound to happen.



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The players Marv is bringing in IMO are exactly the kind of players that fit Marv's style IMO. Ironically its a similiar FA style to new England. Fill your roster with high character roll players with upside.

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I assume your talking about the CFL connection?


Marv was always an administrator. Not a pro talent guy. Hiring "football guys" not "football players" was Marv's strength. He'll even admit to not being much of a coach. He has always prided himself on putting the coaches in place so he didn't have to coach.


But we are talking a different animal here. GM is not a head coach. He is now, because of his friendship with Ralph no other reason, GM of a 5-11 team. He has released a lot of players and has yet to bring in one player that could have started last year for the Bills. 

You can't have depth unless you have starters. On the lines for the Bills they have only one.


Please offer your suggestions for which player(s) Marv should have signed by now, but has not.


Please offer the name of a ptoential GM that, if given the job instead of Marv, would have signed these players. How would he have manged that where Marv has failed?



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