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Bush to Restate the terror strategy

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Good job, Merovingian.  You can program the Matrix, but can't even copy a damned link properly.  :lol:


I'm amazed anyone liked the crappy Matrix sequels enough to borrow a character's name as a SN here. Weird.

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You've got to love that title, though. Nothing fancy, nothing cute, nothing subtle. Just "Snakes on a Plane"...as in "This movie is about snakes on a plane. That's it. You want Oscar-worthy material, it's not here. Just snakes on a plane." A rare glint of honesty in a bull sh---riddled world. :devil:

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My feeling regarding SNAKES ON A PLANE is that it's going to make a ton of money because it's the right movie at the right time. We're seen what, 300 remakes of old horror movies from the 70's now? Not to mention the 8 million old TV shows they've turned into horrible movies. And the Oscars this year featured a bunch of high-brow crap that few normal people cared about.


So in the midst of pathetic remakes and lame-ass message movies comes a movie called SNAKES ON A PLANE which features SNAKES ON A PLANE and probably about 90 minutes of snakes finding every way imaginable to !@#$ things up on a nightmare flight (including apparently jumping out of a fat woman's cleavage). And like that wasn't enough, it has Samuel L. Jackson saying things that only he can:


"I've HAD IT with the snakes."


"Yes I killed the snake and I hope it BURNS IN HELL!"


"Listen mutha!@#$as, we need to kill these mutha!@#$in SNAKES!!!"


I made the last two up but you know he'll say something like that. This movie is going to rank right up there with Commando as one of the best horrible movies ever made - an instant classic that everyone will love.


Then, unfortunately, we'll have to put up with about 25 more movies in the next 3 years that try to cash in by being "purposely bad" or off the wall but, in reality, aren't anywhere near as entertaining. This may include Vin Diesel starring in "Crazy Explosion Movie" and Stiffler from American Pie in "I've Got Ants in My Pants".

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I thought the third one was okay.  But maybe that's just in comparison to the abject pain and suffering "Matrix: Reloaded" caused me.


I saw Matrix Reloaded the day it came out and afterwards my friends asked me how it was.


I said something like "Guys, basically nothing interesting happens until the last 10 minutes and there's a scene at a rave where this girl tries to get Morpheus to dance. Also, Morpheus gives a speech at the rave which essentially says 'Machines are coming to kill us, so let's dance it out.'"


No one believed me. :doh:

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Do you honestly think he even read the document much less write it?



He read it. There are probably about 150-175 writers of it, probably vetted in the end by a dozen or so before a final draft came forth for signature. I like the 2002 version better. I understand the intent, but I'm not agreed that coming right out and naming people is a good idea.

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I'm amazed anyone liked the crappy Matrix sequels enough to borrow a character's name as a SN here.  Weird.


That's what it is. I spend too much time doing medieval stuff, the first thing in my mind was, gee, Clovis the Frank never gets enough ink, great name.

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