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If you had to recommend one U2 albumn for someone to add to their collection, which would it be? Joshua Tree?



All That You Can't Leave Behind would be my choice, but I think most would agree with you on TJT.


Admittedly I didn't like their choices on their best of the 90's CD. Thought that Pop figured waaaaay too prominently.

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the most "accessible" would be All that you can't leave behind, followed by The joshua tree, followed by Actung baby. But Boy, their first album, and War, their 3rd, are still their best, in my opinion. BUt I think you have to have been "with them" from those actual days to agree with me. If you listen to BOy, which was released in early 1980, you're amazed at how truly unique they were. The Edge had immediately changed the way rock guitar was approached. To this day, nobody can play like he can. There are many that are technically better or faster, but no one can play the way he plays. You always know when he's playing, even when he's a guest on someone else's record.

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the most "accessible" would be All that you can't leave behind, followed by The joshua tree, followed by Actung baby. But Boy, their first album, and War, their 3rd, are still their best, in my opinion.


I agree, Boy is still their best, followed by Achtung Baby & ATYCLB...

I think Joshua Tree is very overrated.

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IMHO, the last U2 record worth buying is "Under a Blood Red Sky," and that's merely a live recording of some of their tunes from the albums Boy, October, & War. War, coincidentally, is the last good album U2 put out...

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