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For those of you with Jobs....


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Another question to ask is how many of us get to show up to work when we want , work as long as we want and make our own cushey schedule?? Sick days are a contractual benefit earned through bargaining. Is it ok that the management of businesses get huge bonuses and reap the rewards of the white collar workers who perform the jobs that make some companies millions of dollars? Let the little man take advantage of union contracts made to make their lives a little better for him and his families. If you dont belong to a union then you will never understand fully what I  mean.




Aspire to be that management and don't be satisfied as "the little guy." Put in the late hours, the weekends, the long nights. Consciously position yourself into a job where you have growth opportunity. I know this sounds like a self-motivation rant, but everyone has the same opportunity to be that rich ass boss.


I mean no disrespect to your line of work, but I fully believe bargaining should be at the individual level.

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I get 15 "flex" days that began to accrue when I started - 4.6 or so hours per pay period. They're called flex because it's not a sick day, or vacation day, or anything - all the same basically. Works out to 120 hours in 26 pay periods. 2nd year I will get 20 days, up until 5th year, then you get 25 days. I also get Christmas off. Any other holiday - nope. Not even Thanksgiving. Although I guess I don't really care if I get MLK day off or not - I'd rather take the days off when I want them. I actually missed a day of work in December because I was bumped from the flight I was supposed to be on, but still got paid for the actual day. Can't tell you what happens if I call in sick, because the only time I'm going to be sick is when I'm puking my guts out - not worth it for me to stay home when I have the sniffles when I'm just sitting at my desk most of the day.


Working in a hotel has its pros and cons - at least I am in an office in the "back of the house" and don't really work crazy hours.

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Aspire to be that management and don't be satisfied as "the little guy." Put in the late hours, the weekends, the long nights. Consciously position yourself into a job where you have growth opportunity. I know this sounds like a self-motivation rant, but everyone has the same opportunity to be that rich ass boss.


I mean no disrespect to your line of work, but I fully believe bargaining should be at the individual level.


mcjeff - You are dead on, no need to bother with spikes. He wouldn't get out of bed for $32 an hour.


As for HTown and the teachers, dude - settle down man. Every job has to deal with sh*t, not just teachers. I've worked with teachers plenty - in Houston last spring actually training teachers. I met one teacher who pointed to michigan and called it connecticut and several others who walked out of my training session the second the clock struck 3pm because contract says they are out at 3. Imagine trying that in the real world? ha.

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[EDITED]  (mods....feel free to edit...but please do not delete!)

don't tell me i have no clue. 

i have worked with teachers on a volunteer basis for the past 20 years.  don't cry to me about what you have to do you loser!


you and your GD Freakin' teacher unions are sickening.  they are breaking the back of the education system and then all you do is piss and moan about people who piss and moan.  Screw you!!  


This isn't an attack on students that continuously get pushed through the system and graduate even though they are functionally illiterate....i know parents are at fault.  this is an attack on a-holes like yourself who seem to think they have is soooooooo hard.   que the fuggin violins!   :angry:


Maybe you should direct your assault at the actual union, instead of a teacher.


If you think teachers are "a-holes" and "dickheads" then you must not like alot of people in general.

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Aspire to be that management and don't be satisfied as "the little guy."  Put in the late hours, the weekends, the long nights.  Consciously position yourself into a job where you have growth opportunity.  I know this sounds like a self-motivation rant, but everyone has the same opportunity to be that rich ass boss.


I mean no disrespect to your line of work, but I fully believe bargaining should be at the individual level.



In the line of work that I am in management just lost their pensions and are constantly harrased by upper levels , yes you guessed it, they arent union, I am and my job is protected. So to " Aspire to be that management " would only harm my family and my future. Bargaining at the individual level is a crock. There is power in numbers. " In unity , there is strength".

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mcjeff  - You are dead on, no need to bother with spikes. He wouldn't get out of bed for $32 an hour.


As for HTown and the teachers, dude - settle down man. Every job has to deal with sh*t, not just teachers. I've worked with teachers plenty - in Houston last spring actually training teachers.  I met one teacher who pointed to michigan and called it connecticut and several others who walked out of my training session the second the clock struck 3pm because contract says they are out at 3. Imagine trying that in the real world? ha.



Heroes/Individuals like you will never understand the true meaning of unions. You just see the negative aspects and not the positive, so I wont even bother.

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In the line of work that I am in management just lost their pensions and are constantly harrased by upper levels , yes you guessed it, they arent union, I am and my job is protected. So to " Aspire to be that management " would only harm my family and my future. Bargaining at the individual level is a crock. There is power in numbers. " In unity , there is strength".


Where do you work? Maybe its just the company that sucks. Doesnt seem like I place I'd want to work to put up with crap like that, union or not.

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Where do you work?  Maybe its just the company that sucks.  Doesnt seem like I place I'd want to work to put up with crap like that, union or not.



The union workers arent subjected to that harrassment, just the managers. They have tried to lay workers off in the within the past two years only to lose the fight in court, thanks to our union. The managers are constantly beat up by upper levels because they have no protection.

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Heroes/Individuals like you will never understand the true meaning of unions. You just see the negative aspects and not the positive, so I wont even bother.


hey, i'm all for getting a fair wage and using bargaining power to do so. But when the NYC schools can't fire admitted child molestors because of the union something is wrong. And when I get told not to "kill the job" (ie work so hard) something is wrong.

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hey, i'm all for getting a fair wage and using bargaining power to do so. But when the NYC schools can't fire admitted child molestors because of the union something is wrong. And when I get told not to "kill the job" (ie work so hard) something is wrong.



Im not going to get involved in a conversation that involves child molestors, that is something I am not prepared to discuss. Not only should he be fired, never mind. Your now on a different level than just union bargaining for fair wages and protecting the little man so that we can enjoy our lives like the upper management. Your on a quality of life issue. I am a union rep but I cant and would not represent anyone in that class. I do draw the line somewhere. As far as killing the job, In unity there is strength. Corny as it sounds but if a whole group works together, its better for the whole group in the long run. I know unions are like anything else, there are good and bad aspects. But in most cases, unions create a quality of life that is better for the vast majority that are active.

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In the line of work that I am in management just lost their pensions and are constantly harrased by upper levels , yes you guessed it, they arent union, I am and my job is protected. So to " Aspire to be that management " would only harm my family and my future. Bargaining at the individual level is a crock. There is power in numbers. " In unity , there is strength".


you should collectively bargain some normal size ears, hitting ability, and poker skills

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I don't mind answering it.  Many people here know I work for SSA.


You have way more sick time than I do.  I may have half of that, but not much more.



Wow. That's amazing. I didn't know the SSA would let you work remotely like that. Cool gig.

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In the line of work that I am in management just lost their pensions and are constantly harrased by upper levels , yes you guessed it, they arent union, I am and my job is protected. So to " Aspire to be that management " would only harm my family and my future. Bargaining at the individual level is a crock. There is power in numbers. " In unity , there is strength".




We're just going to have to disagree on this one. When I see "just lost their pensions", my first thought is "why the hell are they trusting their retirement to their company?"


Union discussion is right up there with abortion and religion in my experience.



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Sick days? Hah. We're not allowed to get sick.

Around here, they're called "occurrences". Three in twelve months, you get a verbal warning. Six, written. Nine, three days suspension. Twelve, out the door unless you're related to someone in management.


This includes the day my brother called in for me because I was on my way to the emergency room. Another guy got an occurrence for having a heart attack and leaving before the end of the shift... (in an ambulance, of course...)


BTW, that's in a union shop.

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Sick days? Hah. We're not allowed to get sick.

Around here, they're called "occurrences". Three in twelve months, you get a verbal warning. Six, written. Nine, three days suspension. Twelve, out the door unless you're related to someone in management.


This includes the day my brother called in for me because I was on my way to the emergency room. Another guy got an occurrence for having a heart attack and leaving before the end of the shift... (in an ambulance, of course...)


BTW, that's in a union shop.


You work for AT&T (SBC), Lori? I'm very aware of the tracking of occurrences for AT&T....

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I get 6 sick days per year. My anniversary date is in October so I usually use or 2 during the winter season and then save the rest for summer. I also use my 3rd vacation week and split that up into days. You cant really use those as sick days,just like personal days you put in for.

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