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Valentine's Day is coming up.

Dr. Fong

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Have I been duped?



Perhaps. There seems to be this growing feeling, that being nice to a woman is merely a matter of economics and being personally praised for doing so


I guess the fact that ya might really love to be around the lusty old bag has fallen from favor in the popular mind... :doh:


How dumb, if so...


My dear who I love forever and will never cheat on and God strike me dead before I do Wife, moves me quote:


"Up on Cripple Creek she sends me

If I spring a leak she mends me

I don't have to speak she defends me

A drunkard's dream if I ever did see..."



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Here's what I did a few years ago for my ex-wife.....she really loved it, and it was a lot of fun. Not to mention the fact that her friends pretty much beat their respective husbands and boyfriends cause none of them went to the same trouble as I did, lol.


Anyway, you start with a nice dinner....preferably one that you cook yourself, but if you go that route make sure you both dress up a little. Going out is fine too, I just liked the idea of cooking and having a quiet night at home. After dinner you take her to the couch and explain that the rest of the night is ALL about her. You pull out a little box with a hole in the top wide enough that she can get her hand in, but not see inside of it. In the box you have all sorts of little pieces of folded up paper, and every fifteen minutes - or whatever time frame you decide on - she gets to reach in and pick out a piece of paper.


You can pick however many pieces you want to use obviously, but on like five of them you write "GIFT BAG!!!". This refers to a little bag of WRAPPED gifts that you have bought for her. When she pulls that piece of paper, she gets to pick out one of the gifts. On the rest of the pieces of paper, just be creative. For example, I bought a book of poems written by Pablo Neruda. You could have a few pieces of paper that say "romantic poem", and when she picks that one just get the book, hold her hand, and read her one of the poems. I also had one or two that said "dance" on them. That would indicate a song of her choice where we'd dance together (something that she really liked, cause I'm not much of a dancer lol). Another one could be like 'romantic massage'.....whatever you want to do. Just tailor it to HER and what you know she likes. You could also throw in a couple funny ones.....like I had one where it said, "Oh NO!! YOU LOST!!"....I had fun with that one :doh:


But anyway, you get the idea. I've just found that taking the time to plan things ahead for her - especially if it's something fun - can really make her day, you know?


PS. A few days after you pull off a great V-day, show her this website: http://www.steakandbjday.com/

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Slippers and a dildo.


That way if she doesn't like the slippers she can go !@#$ herself. :doh:




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Yep, BIG downside...it's like saying a) You are ugly. And b) Let me tell you how I think

I can at long last make you somewhat pretty. :P


That isn't merely Death Warmed Over, that is Death Steaming and Armed... :blush:



1st, this thread is full of a bunch of hairy knuckle draggers, so keep that in mind.


Obviously, this is spouse dependent, but I can assure you these were two of the best presents I ever got Deborah. EVERY single female that knows about these gifts fawned over my choices. Coworkers, skeptical knuckle draggers themselves, mentioned these to their wives and received universal support.


It is in the presentation. If you call them ugly and throw a gift card at them, then you will get slapped. If you recognize that they are pressed for time, have trouble finding the right clothes that fit, or constantly need advice on outfits - then having the input of a shopping consultant will be met with tears of joy...

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1st, this thread is full of a bunch of hairy knuckle draggers, so keep that in mind.


Obviously, this is spouse dependent, but I can assure you these were two of the best presents I ever got Deborah.  EVERY single female that knows about these gifts fawned over my choices.  Coworkers, skeptical knuckle draggers themselves, mentioned these to their wives and received universal support.


It is in the presentation.  If you call them ugly and throw a gift card at them, then you will get slapped.  If you recognize that they are pressed for time, have trouble finding the right clothes that fit, or constantly need advice on outfits - then having the input of a shopping consultant will be met with tears of joy...



So what you're saying is when I flipped the gift card accross the room to the wife and said "here b*tch gussie yourself up for a change" probably was the reason I'm getting a plasma in the dog house?

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