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Say it's Sherman


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DC candidates out there right now:

Jim Bates, Dick Jauron, Donnie Henderson, Dom Capers, Jim Haslett


OC candidates:

Mike Martz, Mike Tice, potentially Heimerdinger if Mangini doesn't retain him...


I haven't heard many more names thrown out there than these - any choice picks?

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I'd like to see Bates on the defensive side of the ball, because he worked with Sherman before and he's a damn good D coordinator.


A quick note as well from Bates' bio:


From 2000-04, only the Buccaneers (281.4 yards/game), Steelers (282.5), Ravens (286.4) and Bills (293.1) played better defensively than Miami (294.8). The Dolphins under Bates finished no worse than 10th in the NFL's overall rankings after each of his five seasons, including 2004, when they ranked eighth despite losing four starters to injured reserve. The team ranked sixth in 2000, fifth in 2001, third in 2002 and 10th in 2003.


It doesn't talk about last year, in which Bates took a 25th ranked defense, and despite losing Darren Sharper, finished 7th in the league this year.


On the offensive side of things, Tice and Martz are both headcases and I'd hate to have them as my OC.


I'm not so sure that I like Heimerdinger's brand of offense, either. Here's a bit about his style from his bio:


in his five seasons at the offensive controls, the Titans transformed into a wide receiver-driven offense that also controlled the game with its rushing attack


I'm not sure that is what this team needs right now, especially if we lose Eric Moulds.


The guy that I would like to see come in as o coordinator if the Raiders let him go is Jimmy Raye. Raye always seems to strike a good balance between passing and running, and imo a balanced attack is huge. He's a smart offensive coordinator who has had success with the Redskin team of 2001 and with the Jets.

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guys, if you havent noticed i picked this avatar up just as soon as i returned from dunkin donuts the other morning, and much to my surprise saw mike sherman eating a boston creme........


for fear of any news crews arriving shortly i fled with only a handshake and well wishes..................i think sherman could be a step in the right direction for the buffalo bills

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If it is Sherman that comes in, I would have no problem with his former OC, Tom Rossley.


Despite all these notions that the Packers' offense was as good as it was ONLY because of Farve, look at how effectively the Packers RAN the ball. Over the years, Ahman Green has put up some obscene numbers. And even in this miserable 2005 season where the Packers OL was depeleted -- and they were down to their 4th or 5th RB, a guy named Sam Gado scored 6 TDs (more than Willis) in just 8 starts.

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DC candidates out there right now:

Jim Bates, Dick Jauron, Donnie Henderson, Dom Capers, Jim Haslett


OC candidates:

Mike Martz, Mike Tice, potentially Heimerdinger if Mangini doesn't retain him...


I haven't heard many more names thrown out there than these  - any choice picks?




please, please keep Tice out of Buffalo.. PUH LEASE!!!! that thought makes me sick :o

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DC candidates out there right now:

Jim Bates, Dick Jauron, Donnie Henderson, Dom Capers, Jim Haslett


OC candidates:

Mike Martz, Mike Tice, potentially Heimerdinger if Mangini doesn't retain him...


I haven't heard many more names thrown out there than these  - any choice picks?


Your ideas are well-intentioned, but I have to disagree with all of these.


Do we really think that if Mike Sherman takes the job, he'll bring in these types of coordinators? I seriously doubt it. About the only guy on this list that would be possible is Jim Bates and I'm not holding my breath for him. And why would Jauron want to be a DC in Buffalo if he wasn't selected for the head coaching job?


Think about this...guys like Martz, Jauron, and Capers *want* to be head coaches. Yes, they're out of a job right now, but that doesn't mean they won't hold out for the one they want - even if it takes a year or two.


From my experience (watching as a fan, that is), coaches will bring in guys that will work with them and buy into their systems - just like they do with players. This is why players like Dave Meggett and Curtis Martin and coaches like Belichick, Weis, etc. followed Bill Parcells around - they play for him and work with him. This really gives the best chance for the coach and the team to succeed.


We have no idea how Sherman (still presuming he'd be the man) would work with someone like Martz or Capers...men who have it in the back of their mind that they could be head coach if Sherman failed, instead of being concerned about producing a winning team. Whoever is hired as the coach, I'd be more interested in seeing if he brought in his own guys as assistants. And remember...Jim Bates was DC in Green Bay for the last year of Sherman's 6-year tenure, so I don't know if we can consider him a "Sherman guy".


Having said that...yes, it's possible that some of these recently-have-become-available coaches might want to be a coordinator, but I wouldn't put any money on it. And speaking of money, the big exception would be Washington, where Daniel Snyder shelled out gobs of money to get Marvin Lewis, Gregg Williams, and now Al Saunders to be coordinators...money being the factor, in my opinion.

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Your ideas are well-intentioned, but I have to disagree with all of these.


Do we really think that if Mike Sherman takes the job, he'll bring in these types of coordinators? I seriously doubt it. About the only guy on this list that would be possible is Jim Bates and I'm not holding my breath for him. And why would Jauron want to be a DC in Buffalo if he wasn't selected for the head coaching job?


Think about this...guys like Martz, Jauron, and Capers *want* to be head coaches. Yes, they're out of a job right now, but that doesn't mean they won't hold out for the one they want - even if it takes a year or two.

They stand a much better chance of taking a job, ANY job, making some money, and showing what they can do, than sitting out waiting for a job that might never come. I mean if they didn't get a HC job THIS year, what makes them think they'll get one next year if they sit out doing nothing?

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They stand a much better chance of taking a job, ANY job, making some money, and showing what they can do, than sitting out waiting for a job that might never come.  I mean if they didn't get a HC job THIS year, what makes them think they'll get one next year if they sit out doing nothing?


Well, Mike Martz is running out of time unless he really wants to coach the Raiders. He's publicly said that he'd rather come back as a head coach.


I guess my point was that given these guys are highly-regarded coaches/coordinators doesn't necessarily mean they'd be willing to coach under a guy they just competed for the job with. I don't disagree with MadBuffaloDisease...I just think we shouldn't expect these guys to come along. If they do, I'll stand corrected and hope they do well.

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As a wildcard For the OC job, I wouldn't mind taking a flyer on a guy like Rick Neheisel, who has had success in developing QBs and running an offense.



I would love this pick for OC. Not because I think he would do a great job, but because we went to the same high school in Tempe, AZ as did former Bills QB Dan Manucci


And if I recall correctly, his sister had a great rack! :(

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