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Interesting Roger Crozier Article...


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I like this line:


"There were nights when he faced as many as 50 to 60 shots"



I believe that in one of the earliest games of the inaugural 70-71 season, Crozier faced something like 72 shots in a game. It may have been a 7-2 loss to the Leafs?

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Great article,,,I'll never forget him in the "fog" game. Seeing as how he was considered to be the lynch-pin for the expansion Sabres. I think its about time he got his sweater raised to the rafters. Most of the Sabre teams over the years have been average at best, but a stable of goalies, from Crozier to Edwards and Suave, Barraso, Fuhr and Hasek have made us competitive throughout the years. It's time for a goalie to be recognised. Where better place to start than JC. :devil:

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ONe of the five greatest atheletes to ever play in Buffalo.


8-2 loss in Boston 12/10/70. He probably didn't face quite that many shots in reality as the Bruins shot clock keepers were/are notorious for counting anything that an opposing goalie touches and has the slightest possibility of entering the net if the goalie doesn't touch it as being a shot.

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He was a great goalie and a lot of fun to watch.


As a kid, I remember trying to imitate his style. He was so acrobatic and his glove hand was amazing.


For those of you that are to young to have seen him, he was one of the most integral players on any Buffalo sports team.

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