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Bledsoe as the Fall Guy


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Hey Guys - Sorry if this topic's already been posted. Obviously I'm a Pats fan here, looking to see what Buffalo Nation is saying prior to our next game.


But I'm also a long-time Bledsoe fan - why you may ask? A few reasons.


He helped return the Pats to respectability in the 90s.

He's got a gun of an arm (though the Buffalo coaches would prefer he toss 7 yard passes)

He's one tough mutha (go back and watch the tape of games he played with broken fingers)

He's a team player (he worked to help Tom Brady - not undermine him)


That last one's pretty important. You won't find him blaming his team mates, his offensive offensive line, or anyone else - in fact, he'll go out of his way to shoulder responsibility even when its not all his fault. Unfortunately it seems like a lot of fans and even some of his team mates re more than willing to accomdate him and heap blame on him.


As someone who watched Bledsoe play for quite a few years, let me share a few insights:


Whether things get better or worse for Buffalo depends much more on the rest of the team than on Bledsoe. If his line gives him some time, he'll make the play. And hopefully, once his line starts giving him the time, the coaches will let him open up the field with a few long ball passes.


That, and a decent running game, is essential to opening up the passing game. I know this is all Football 101, but it seems like that's what the Bills are lacking - the RBs are not up to full speed and the offensive line is... well I said that before. Bottom line, its a team sport and the QB can't do it alone.


Now yes, Bledsoe is guilty of holding the ball too long on occasion in an effort to make the play. I suppose he just has too much faith in the guys who are paid to protect him.


But from an opposing fan's viewpoint, I hope Buffalo will cut the guy a break. If I were him I'd refuse to sacrifice my body and jeopardize my life playing behind that line - but not a peep of criticism comes from Drew. Let's at least give him credit for that.


Thanks for listening

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Hey Guys - Sorry if this topic's already been posted.  Obviously I'm a Pats fan here, looking to see what Buffalo Nation is saying prior to our next game. 


But I'm also a long-time Bledsoe fan - why you may ask?  A few reasons.


He helped return the Pats to respectability in the 90s. 

He's got a gun of an arm (though the Buffalo coaches would prefer he toss 7 yard passes)

He's one tough mutha (go back and watch the tape of games he played with broken fingers)

He's a team player (he worked to help Tom Brady - not undermine him)


That last one's pretty important.  You won't find him blaming his team mates, his offensive offensive line, or anyone else - in fact, he'll go out of his way to shoulder responsibility even when its not all his fault.  Unfortunately it seems like a lot of fans and even some of his team mates re more than willing to accomdate him and heap blame on him.


As someone who watched Bledsoe play for quite a few years, let me share a few insights:


Whether things get better or worse for Buffalo depends much more on the rest of the team than on Bledsoe.  If his line gives him some time, he'll make the play.  And hopefully, once his line starts giving him the time, the coaches will let him open up the field with a few long ball passes.


That, and a decent running game, is essential to opening up the passing game.  I know this is all Football 101, but it seems like that's what the Bills are lacking - the RBs are not up to full speed and the offensive line is... well I said that before.  Bottom line, its a team sport and the QB can't do it alone.


Now yes, Bledsoe is guilty of holding the ball too long on occasion in an effort to make the play.  I suppose he just has too much faith in the guys who are paid to protect him.


But from an opposing fan's viewpoint, I hope Buffalo will cut the guy a break.  If I were him I'd refuse to sacrifice my body and jeopardize my life playing behind that line - but not a peep of criticism comes from Drew.  Let's at least give him credit for that.


Thanks for listening




Good post and welcome aboard the er... board.


As you can probably tell, the "experts" here are putting the blame squarely on Bledsoe.


Seems they recognize he's responsible for dropped passes. He also gives up the deep ball on 3rd and 4th down without simply batting the ball down. And don't get me started about his two holding penalties that nullified returns of 60 and 80 some-odd yards. And who could forget his holding penalty on the last possession of the Jags game that nullified a McGahee 1st down run and forced us to punt to Jax. Bledsoe needs to eliminate penalties and start making the damn field goals.




This team isn't perfect, and there's alot of blame to go around if one chooses to assign it. But calling for the QB without knowing what plays were called, what his reads were, when and where he audibled, how HE handles the blitz, etc, is displaying what should be an embarassing ignorance of the nuances of modern football.


This team is very close to being very good, their defense has been playing lights-out for over a year now, and I believe that as the OL continues to gel and work with our well-respected OL coach (Jim McNally), the difference between our current offense and our Week 16 offense will be night and day.

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Good post and welcome aboard the er... board.


"As you can probably tell, the "experts" here are putting the blame squarely on Bledsoe. 


Seems they recognize he's responsible for dropped passes.  He also gives up the deep ball on 3rd and 4th down without simply batting the ball down.  And don't get me started about his two holding penalties that nullified returns of 60 and 80 some-odd yards.  And who could forget his holding penalty on the last possession of the Jags game that nullified a McGahee 1st down run and forced us to punt to Jax.  Bledsoe needs to eliminate penalties and start making the damn field goals.




This team isn't perfect, and there's alot of blame to go around if one chooses to assign it.  But calling for the QB without knowing what plays were called, what his reads were, when and where he audibled, how HE handles the blitz, etc, is displaying what should be an embarassing ignorance of the nuances of modern football."





"Fans" who constantly call for the QBs head, any QBs head, without acknowledging the other drastic shortcomings on this team are simply shallow fans who like to hear themselves talk.  It's become a mob mentality in here on Bledsoe and it has made this board a shadow of its former fairly interesting self. 


There are probably 12 to 15 plays yesterday that might have turned a 3 point game around.  None of them involve Bledsoe. 


Idiots all.

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Yeah - I know ... "Drew Three Pat" there were a bunch of things he did that drove usPats fans crazy too


But really - from the perspective outside of Buffalo, your QB does not look like your biggest problem


sure the offense should share the blame for the game 1 loss - but I put that squarely on a major defensive lapse - and from what I hear the Jags have a pretty good defense themselves


then throw in a 13-10 blowout loss to the Raiders, and I can see why everyone's panicked


Hey - some football games are just low scoring - even the Pats have their share of games like that - you hope to win but sometimes come out on the losing side


Now I know a coach who once said - "you are what your record says you are" and I don't disagree - but I remember a certain team last year was 1-2 after 3 games and I think they did OK in the end

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Now I know a coach who once said - "you are what your record says you are" and I don't disagree - but I remember a certain team last year was 1-2 after 3 games and I think they did OK in the end



And I remember another team that was 2-0 after blowing out the Pats and Jags, and their season didn't turn out so well...


My point being that 2 games do not a season make.

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And I remember another team that was 2-0 after blowing out the Pats and Jags, and their season didn't turn out so well...


My point being that 2 games do not a season make.




It's ugly Campy. You actually see Bledsoe getting better?

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Drew is a great guy but he is done as an NFL quarterback. If JP and/or Travis were not hurt, Drew would be on the pine. It must be something about the 11 jerseys and Buffalo. First Johnson; now Bledsoe, doing their best Statue of Liberty impressions. Sure the line is less than good, but he doesn't feel the pressure, he rolls right into sacks and he STILL does not know how to get rid of the football. If the Bills lose to the fing Pats (I live in CT and have to deal with all these Patriots fans who magically appeared about 5 years ago. Lets face it, in Boston, they would trade both Super Bowl wins for one Red Socks World Series) then this season is over. Then you have to cut some folks including the GM.

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It's ugly Campy. You actually see Bledsoe getting better?


I don't think DB played that poorly. Sure, he had his moments, but he wasn't helped by the OL and all of the drops by his receivers, not to mention the crappy field position after 2 return penalties.


He seems to be making quicker reads and going to his check-down much more effectively than last season. The drops and the appearant lack of seperation by the WRs were far more harmful than anything DB did.

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I don't think DB played that poorly.  Sure, he had his moments, but he wasn't helped by the OL and all of the drops by his receivers, not to mention the crappy field position after 2 return penalties.


He seems to be making quicker reads and going to his check-down much more effectively than last season.  The drops and the appearant lack of seperation by the WRs was far more harmful than anything DB did.



Yes, well I'm still not wetting my pants :doh:

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Uh, original name there.


Hey Pats fan.... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: /QUOTE]


Awright! A bold Bills fan with some sack!


Lets face it, in Boston, they would trade both Super Bowl wins for one Red Socks World Series) then this season is over. Then you have to cut some folks including the GM


Probably right about that DC - but I think its beginning to dawn on Red Sox fans that baseball is a flawed product and football is gaining a stronghold as the #1 sport- without a salary cap and given the guaranteed baseball contracts, the product on the field will never be the best, nor fair - baseball might as well be spotting the Yanks 4 runs a game and the Sox 2 for that matter


No argument with the fact that the Bills GM has fallen down on the job either


The thing about Bledsoe - unlike other QBs who set up the long ball and the running game with short passes - Bledsoe needs to set up the short game with the long ball - when his OL gives him the time he's very effective


There's any number of come from behind victories/30 second drives I can recall from nearly a decade of Bledsoe play in New England - but you'll notice with all of them, his line gave him the time he needed

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