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What do you think Drews teammates think of him?


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What?  Didn't you know that after a loss this board has a collective Brain Fart and blames everything on Bledsoe and Donahoe for three days?  It'll be even worse this week since there's a bye.



Oh, my -- as Dick Enberg would say.


NCBills fan is 100% correct. We have everything from the "Drew Sucks!" posts to "the Bills are terrible, so they're gonna move" posts.


First things first:


1) Drew Bledsoe is an aging QB, no doubt. But whether or not "Drew Sucks" can be asked and answered after two games is another question entirely. Wait until six games have passed. Then we will have a better indicator. Don't forget, Sam Wyche, the man who turned Boomer Esaison into an MVP in Cincinnati, is his QB coach.


2) The Bills ain't gonna move. The NFL had three teams leave their respective cities in an eighteen-month time frame in the mid-90s. However, no team has moved since the Cleveland Browns in 1995. That's nine years ago, and one reason why I've long since forgiven Art Modell. In addition, the NFL, while looking for a team in Los Angeles, is now adamant on teams staying put. They have realized that musical franchises isn't good for the league.


3) Everyone here has a right to their opinion. The flip side of that is, of course, that everyone has a right to act like a horse's @$$ and to be called out on it as well.



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