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To the people who say moulds is a selfish player


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OK... We're missing each other by miles here. Mularkey SHOULD HAVE backed off. And both knew it was not so bad he couldn't go back in. If you read it before responding, what I said was that they BOTH should have called it a misunderstanding and played the hurt thing. At least my way doesn't make us the laughingstock of the league. Oh, and if you miss thirty minutes of a game to add four years to your career because you maybe are hurt, you're not a "kitty." unless "kitty" means NOT an idiot. If a guy in any sport goes back into a game hurt and aggrivates it to where he can't walk or play again, then the coach, the fans, the people saying "kitty", Kelly, none of them are going to pay his bills.


You're assuming there was an injury. I am assuming that if there were even a threat of an injury, there is zero chance in hell that Mularkey would be suspending Moulds for that infraction. He may be pissed for Moulds yelling at him or at an assistant coach, but he would under zero circumstances decide to suspend a player for a game if Moulds had an injury, or even complained of an injury. That's what I think people are missing here. Coaches don't suspend players, even for faking injuries. Or for yelling at coaches. Or even for saying I can't play, coach, my achilles heel is screwed up. At the very most, they bench them. They fine them $5,000 that goes to charity at the end of the year for insubordination. A friggin suspension and 93K fine is a major friggin' deal and not taken lightly by anyone in the NFL. It takes a major, major, major, major offense to get suspended without pay.

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OK... We're missing each other by miles here. Mularkey SHOULD HAVE backed off. And both knew it was not so bad he couldn't go back in. If you read it before responding, what I said was that they BOTH should have called it a misunderstanding and played the hurt thing. At least my way doesn't make us the laughingstock of the league. Oh, and if you miss thirty minutes of a game to add four years to your career because you maybe are hurt, you're not a "kitty." unless "kitty" means NOT an idiot. If a guy in any sport goes back into a game hurt and aggrivates it to where he can't walk or play again, then the coach, the fans, the people saying "kitty", Kelly, none of them are going to pay his bills.



If the both knew that Moulds' "injury" wasn't so bad, and that Moulds disobeyed Tolbert's instruction, why SHOULD mularkey have backed off? What kind of example does that set for the team, when a player gets to decide whether he wants to be in on certain plays.


You're upset that Bills are a laughing stock, but don't get the point that they would be a far bigger laughing stock if a coach can't get a grip on his team. And it all gets back to the fact that this team is losing.

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