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Why all the hard on's for a good college coach? Lots of coaches can be good on the college level.


Doesn't mean he'd be worth a hoot as a professional one. If you need any examples just look what Pete Carroll has done, or steve spurrier, etc. All we'd have is another unproven coach who may or may not be able to step up to the challange.

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Why all the hard on's for a good college coach?    Lots of coaches can be good on the college level.


Doesn't mean he'd be worth a hoot as a professional one.  If you need any examples just look what Pete Carroll has done, or steve spurrier, etc.  All we'd have is another unproven coach who may or may not be able to step up to the challange.




or Bill Walsh, or Jimmie Johnson, or a guy that just beat us with a third string QB. I get your point, but Weiss was doing in the NFL, and thats where he made his name. Little differant than a career NCAA guy trying to make the transition

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Pete Carroll made his mark for about 15 years as an assistant in the NFL. Greggo was all NFL all the time.


I'll agree that NFL experience gives you a leg up over an NCAA only guy. But big deal. An unproven coach at the NFL level is an unproven coach. Claiming the Weiss is the end all great coach that we passed on because he's done a good job at Notre Dame is foolish.


I'm happy he's doing a good job as a COLLEGE coach. But it means exactly diddly as to how well he'd do as an NFL coach.

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Pete Carroll made his mark for about 15 years as an assistant in the NFL.    Greggo was all NFL all the time. 


I'll agree that NFL experience gives you a leg up over an NCAA only guy.  But big deal.  An unproven coach at the NFL level is an unproven coach.  Claiming the Weiss is the end all great coach that we passed on because he's done a good job at Notre Dame is foolish. 


I'm happy he's doing a good job as a COLLEGE coach.  But it means exactly diddly as to how well he'd do as an NFL coach.



He is having the same success in college that he had in the pro game with a bunch of players who couldn't even tie thiers cleats last year.

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He is having the same success in college that he had in the pro game with a bunch of players who couldn't even tie thiers cleats last year.



He's turned around an average (at BEST) program into a winner in one year. Remember what USC did to them last year? Funny how things change in a year. This year's USC v ND game was regarded as the best college game of the year. Weis installed a winning attitude. They are a top 10 nationally ranked team. This wasn't just a small step for Notre Dame. Next year the expectations are for them to compete for the National title.


Most importantly - the offensive playcalling makes sense.

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Not only is it not certain that Weiss would have done well as the head coach (I think he would have), but who the hell knows if he even WANTED the job? This has been an incredible leap on the part of a lot of people on this board in my opinion.

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Weis ain't leaving ND for any amount of money. He's right where he wants to be. If we wanted him, we should have ponied up when he was available - it made a hell of alot of sense at the time because we'd have gotten a solid offensive coach (which we needed) and wounded the Fags at the same time. That's probably why it didn't happen.

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Not only is it not certain that Weiss would have done well as the head coach (I think he would have), but who the hell knows if he even WANTED the job?  This has been an incredible leap on the part of a lot of people on this board in my opinion.



From the Boston paper yesterday.



How different might the Bills' fate have been had Donahoe hired Charlie Weis over Mularkey? Weis, who is on a recruiting trip for Notre Dame this week, would have taken the job if offered it, and the Irish right now might be preparing for a low-level bowl game.

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Would Ralph pay the 15-year contract that ND gave Weis received earlier this year? Not likely. Plus, Weis now runs the ND program. He controls what players he wants. Doesn't have to deal with idiotic attitudes, contracts, etc.


The ND head-coaching job is one of, if not the most, prestigious college head coaching jobs. It would have to be an offer of incredible amounts of cash, and power, to take him away from that.

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Weis ain't leaving ND for any amount of money.  He's right where he wants to be.  If we wanted him, we should have ponied up when he was available - it made a hell of alot of sense at the time because we'd have gotten a solid offensive coach (which we needed) and wounded the Fags at the same time.  That's probably why it didn't happen.




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Yep. In years past, Paterno was always mentioned as a coach that should move to the pro game. Not every coach is lusting after an NFL spot.



Hats off to Weiss. ND back into prominence, and he has the team into a very profitable bowl match with OSU. The ND beancounters have to be smilling ear to ear. :)

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Yep. In years past, Paterno was always mentioned as a coach that should move to the pro game. Not every coach is lusting after an NFL spot.

Hats off to Weiss. ND back into prominence, and he has the team into a very profitable bowl match with OSU. The ND beancounters have to be smilling ear to ear. :)



Although, in fairness, Weiss *is* lusting after a head job in the pro game. The guy even had stomache-stapling surgery because he thought it would help him get more interviews for pro HC jobs and do better in them. He took a good gig at ND when Notre Dame made him an offer he couldn't refuse, and after years of frustration at not getting a pro HC job. So, while Weiss won't leave this year, he will be back in the pros eventually - just you wait.



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I don't deny that Weiss has done a great job at Notre Dame. Strangely enough, I kinda root for them. (Although their handling of Willingham wasn't done all that well) I also agree that he's not leaving there anytime soon.


Regardless of how well he's done as a COLLEGE head coach, he's still only a coordinator at the NFL level and NOBODY knows how well he'd do as an actual NFL head coach. This is my point, a good NFL coodinator does not equal good NFL head coach. Just look at Greggo, Norv Turner, Pete Carroll, Jim Haslett, Dave McGinnis, (hopefully not: Mike Mularky), etc.


So quit whining about choosing a DIFFERENT unproven head coach selection. It's hindsight and luck and impossible to prove otherwise.

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I don't deny that Weiss has done a great job at Notre Dame.    Strangely enough, I kinda root for them.  (Although their handling of Willingham wasn't done all that well)  I also agree that he's not leaving there anytime soon. 


Regardless of how well he's done as a COLLEGE head coach, he's still only a coordinator at the NFL level and NOBODY knows how well he'd do as an actual NFL head coach.    This is my point, a good NFL coodinator does not equal good NFL head coach.  Just look at Greggo, Norv Turner,  Pete Carroll,  Jim Haslett, Dave McGinnis, (hopefully not: Mike Mularky),  etc.


So quit whining about choosing a DIFFERENT unproven head coach selection.  It's hindsight and luck and impossible to prove otherwise.



Yep just look at how these coordinaters have done


Vince Lombardi

Tom Landry

Bill Belicheck

Marvin Lewis




While almost every HC has been a dam fine coordinater at the NFL level, there are also a LOT of dam fine coordinaters who are NOT good HC.


But one can only prove the Peter Principle by actually being promoted to that position of incompetance

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Regardless of how well he's done as a COLLEGE head coach, he's still only a coordinator at the NFL level and NOBODY knows how well he'd do as an actual NFL head coach.    This is my point, a good NFL coodinator does not equal good NFL head coach. 


The difference being that Weiss was a *great* NFL Coordinator, perhaps the greatest NFL offensive coordinator in decades. He's quite seriously a football genius.


So quit whining about choosing a DIFFERENT unproven head coach selection.  It's hindsight and luck and impossible to prove otherwise.



On the other hand, if there is a "proven" head coach out there available for our selection, by definition he's also a *proven failure* for having been fired by his previous employer in the first place.



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