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Parcells should have taken the day off....


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Wow, I don't think I have ever seen Bill Parcells so placid on the sidelines, during a game.  If an NFL coach can't take a day off when his brother dies, when can he take a day off?


wow--didnt know his brother died. tough decision...-tough to coach or do anything when you are in that 'what does it matter'? mindset.

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wow--didnt know his brother died. tough decision...-tough to coach or do anything when you are in that 'what does it matter'? mindset.




His younger brother, Don, died on Friday (I think- maybe Saturday) of brain cancer. The funeral was this morning. Give ABC some credit for not over-hyping it (ala ESPN/Brushci), but you can just see it on his face, he is not all there tonight.

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Jim Kelly went to a NASCAR race the weekend after Hunter died. Different people have their own ways of dealing with their grief, either by throwing themselves into their work or distracting themselves and I make no judgments.


But yeah, seeing Parcells docile and weepy (his face just looks like droopy PlayDough), it might have been better for him to sit this one out.

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Jim Kelly went to a NASCAR race the weekend after Hunter died. Different people have their own ways of dealing with their grief, either by throwing themselves into their work or distracting themselves and I make no judgments.


But yeah, seeing Parcells docile and weepy (his face just looks like droopy PlayDough), it might have been better for him to sit this one out.



Oh, I wasn't passing judgement, just feeling a little sorry for the guy. I have tons of respect for the tuna, even though he is coaching the Cowboys. It is just amazing what these guys (the coaches I am talking about) put themselves through...ever see how much younger Gregg Williams looks now that he is a DC again?

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