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you guys are making me mad!


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things ARE NOT as bad as they look! consider this:


the bills' 3 wins have come against teams who are a combined 4-14, which is a winning percentage of .222. i know, i know...not too good.


BUT, if the bills would have beaten the 1-4 raiders, dropping them to a hypothetical 1-5, the winning percentage of the teams they had beaten would have actually DROPPED to .208!


SO, as you can clearly see, losing yesterday's game has made the each of the bills' three victories THAT MUCH MORE IMPRESSIVE. in light of this irrefutable fact, now that our salary cap problems are solved, it is clear that TD has this franchise headed in the right direction!!


darn- is it too late to buy season tickets?!

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Listen here. Stop clouding the issues with facts.


As far as buying tix... well you know the phrase PT Barnum coined.


Tix will continue to be bought in droves because Mr. Donahoe is the master of shuck and jive.


You watch... next year it will be new unis or some new section like the rockpile this year. A throw back uni with the silver helmets... A new merry go round in the fieldhouse... something to attract the masses besides a team that can contend for a SB.


Donahoe is here to stay as long as us fans keep the cash register ringing. When people finally come to their senses in 2010 and revenue starts to fall and Mr. Willson's wallet begins to shrink, then you will see changes.... only to hop on the same treadmill once again.

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I've been trying to tell my co-workers for weeks that the Bills aren't all that and their record has been inflated against inferior competition. All I get in response is that the Bills are in first or one game out. Four weeks from now the Bills will be three games out of first and spiraling toward the division cellar. Count on it.

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I thought the Bills would be 9-7 this year. The offense is playing pretty much how I thought they would, whether its JP or Holcomb. The huge disappointment has been the defense, never would I have thought they were this bad. :lol:


We are now in the toughest stretch of the schedule and it doesn't end until the last game of the season, I'd hate to even guess at what their record is going to be now.

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