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Still looking for a name for the Defense?

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That fits.





The Crappers

The Greypukes

The Barfalo Bills

The Can'ts (can't tackle, can't cover, can't pressure, can't stop the run) "The Aints" is already taken.


The "Cure" to every running back's bad numbers.

Grey's Nightmare

The Blue Light Special

The Speed Bumps

The "heartless, gutless, clueless product of Jerry Grey's schemes and Donahoe's personnel decisions.

The Laughables

The Jokes

The nobodies

The NRD (the No Run Defense)

The All Talk Defense



I'm tired of watching these guys. There is hockey out there, and at least they no how to win a few games.


Congrats Donahoe! You have managed to do what years of terrible Buffalo teams failed to do. I refuse to watch your product anymore.


I will follow the scores, I still have some fantasy football left to play, but I think I will start my personal hockey season early this year. I have more constructive things I could be doing with my Sunday afternoons other than watching this terribly average team go through another sub-500 season.

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