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LAMP- Drunk?

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I just returned from one of my favorive things in the world, a thursday night happy hour. Through my fraternity we have 5-9 happy hour at a bar here at school, complete with $1 pitchers the entire time. I just had a 35 min in depth convo. with someone who isn't a Bills fan and we both pretty much agreed about our prospects for the season; Losman plays decent and we're a wild card team. Sorry to draw attention to my stupid post but it just made me realize how freakin' excited I am for the season to start, and regardless of how the season ends up its my favorite time of the year. Cheers to all the Bills fans out there like me that get a little booze in them and will talk till the sun comes up about how great our team will be. Cheers to everyone and 10 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! <_<

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Know one is drunker than me,I know we are better than what we showed this far.



1 Easily fakable grammatical error ("Know one")

1 Easily overlooked typing error (no space after comma)

Use of a period and proper capitialization


he's faking it <_<

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