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Prison Break

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I was pretty cool. It was about a guy who purposely gets arrested to go to jail. He's there to break his brother out because his brother was framed. He did his homework and actually designed the prison that hes at. It looks like its going to be great. The premier was 2 hours long and very good.

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I have it Tivoed and watched the first hour.  It didn't seem to grab me.  Too many suspend disbelief moments for my taste.  I'll watch the rest of it tonight and see if it can grab my attention.


You didn't think the aspect of the oragami was great?

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I watched it, thought it was pretty good. That dude is nuts to let them take his toe to hold onto information. That would hurt.

Seems like the show is trying to toss in some anti-caucasian angles, not sure why. i would imagine that there are a lot of bad people in jail. evil does not discriminate.

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You didn't think the aspect of the oragami was great?



Yeah somehow I was a bit underwhelmed with that. I dunno maybe I'm just crazy that way. What struck me as funny is it would have been priceless if that judge had sent him to a different prison.

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Their network's high ratiings be dam*ed... :rolleyes:



Perfect example:



After 3 years, it's STILL one of the top-25 sold DVDs at Amazon. And that includes ALL of their DVDs, not just TV shows...


Oh, and next month, Universal is releasing a movie as well:



I don't even need to bring up shows like Family Guy.


I've never done this before, but... Fox = RJ



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