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Break out the tissue's


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Sweet baby Jeezus this is some funny shiat:


" All right, is it possible that Tazz is Tony Danza with tons of makeup on? I'm just asking. Meanwhile, my two pooches (Dooze and Rufus) just had their own wrestling match in the TV room, culminating in Rufus triumphantly humping Dooze while holding a stuffed monkey in his mouth. That's Roofie's thing -- if he's humping someone, he needs a stuffed animal in his mouth. And you know what? We don't judge in our house."

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I didn't watch Wrestlemania but this line about Jim Ross had me in stitches:


Classic Jim Ross here: After getting super-kicked, Hogan kicks out on a two-count as JR screams, "For the love of God! How in the hell did that happen???"


Watching wrestling is about 10x more fun thanks to Jim Ross's completely over the top reactions to what's happening.


I wish I had an audio clip of that on my computer that played every time I closed a program.

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Loved the referance to Special Delivery Jones. Guy always dominated first 9/10ths of a match, only to get beat by a freak move, or GASP, someone cheating



Yeah. SD actually wasn't a bad wrestler. The guy he should've mentioned was Rudy Diamond, who looked like he weighed about 190lbs in the ring. He used to get slaughtered by whoever wrestled him.

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