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how do you view restricted web sites at work?

Hardy Pyle

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i have a computer with cable internet at home and a (somewhat) stable ip address.  i use a program called remotelyanywhere to remote control (and view) my pc at home from work.




Thats awesome I just fired a guy for that last month.

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you can find sites with the stuff you want that are not restricted.

just keep looking.


but just for fun, go to www.putfile.com and eather search or go to the top 10. thre isnt any "naked people" or anything, but damn, you will laugh your ass off.

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What program do they use to filter the sites? When you try to go to a restricted site what happens?


BTW: I am the IT manager at a large high school and I can tell you with the configuration we have that it is virtually impossible to get around the filtering software...I can see where EVERYONE goes in real time, including remote proxies which are VERY easy to block...

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If you're just looking for some porn, go Google, turn off the safe seaching feature and type in a word like "chick." Then search in Google Images. Just don't click on any of the thousands of photos that come up on a contact sheet. You'll get a ton of free porn without ever leaving Google.

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