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Georg on the BBC: Child who survived

Guest RabidBillsFanVT

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

No, I disagree. You'll never completely wipe out these guys, because human nature says that evil animals like these guys will ALWAYS be out there... and harming someone. I want to believe otherwise, but it's just so unrealistic to do so..

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It's a thin line between criminal and terrorist...Criminals will always exist..but terrorism will be defeated...It will take the educating of the muslim people to rid themselves of the people who distort their religion. Right now muslims don't show any anger towards terrorists....A few speak out like the Al-Jazeera producer.."All Terroists Are Muslim" ...It may be he is the catalyst for a change. Now that being said...I think the terroists will employ a WMD...and that will be our excuse to wipe out the entire middle east....If we our hit with a WMD...There will be no choice for the President of the United States but to respond in kind.

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Defeating terrorism is like curing cancer. At some point you have to just take the knife and cut out the festering scum. unfortunately you can never be assured it has all been destroyed.


and thats what these stevestojan for brains are (sorry steve for dragging your name down to their level),


they're a cancer

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Defeating terrorism is like curing cancer.  At some point you have to just take the knife and cut out the festering scum.  unfortunately you can never be assured it has all been destroyed.


and thats what these stevestojan for brains are (sorry steve for dragging your name down to their level), 


they're a cancer


Yeah but like cancer sometime some non-cancerous tissue get harmed as well.

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We'll never win, but we are trying as hard as we can, and that's the important thing...


I don't mind saying that I'm surprised to read this from you. I don't mean this to become political...I swear I don't...but you lean more to the left to me, yet you mention we are trying as hard as we can. Are we not trying hard enough? Do you feel that Kerry will do a better job fighting this than Bush? Again...I'm not picking a fight. I'm just asking a couple of questions because I was truly surprised to see this comment from you.

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I don't mind saying that I'm surprised to read this from you. I don't mean this to become political...I swear I don't...but you lean more to the left to me, yet you mention we are trying as hard as we can. Are we not trying hard enough? Do you feel that Kerry will do a better job fighting this than Bush? Again...I'm not picking a fight. I'm just asking a couple of questions because I was truly surprised to see this comment from you.



It's called the big picture. Some get it sooner than others.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
I don't mind saying that I'm surprised to read this from you. I don't mean this to become political...I swear I don't...but you lean more to the left to me, yet you mention we are trying as hard as we can. Are we not trying hard enough? Do you feel that Kerry will do a better job fighting this than Bush? Again...I'm not picking a fight. I'm just asking a couple of questions because I was truly surprised to see this comment from you.



I feel as if Bush is wasting our money and lives in Iraq, and that to me is unforgiveable... I do not doubt the efforts of everyone in the war on terror, however. We know who the enemy is, and how to go after him. I have said numerous times that I feel the bungling Iraq policy has deflected our entire focus on our true enemies. I am willing to vote for Kerry and try something new to get us the hell out of there after stabilizing the Iraqi Army rather than continue this 'bleeding dry' of our armed forces.... the war on terror WILL continue and WILL be successfully continued, for Kerry has no choice... the American people will NEVER allow us to let up for one minute.

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I disagree. I think it's time we have a shift in tactics.


We should have our operatives organize anti-American terror training schools.

Let's get them into suicide bomber training. Advertise around the world and bring them in by the busloads. Give them their vests and send them on their way.


Only, these would be vests made in Ohio, and they'd explode inwardly so the only ones killed in the blast would be the evil little bastards who want to kill anyone who doesn't bow to the east five times a day.


Would it surprise anyone if car bombs started going off in the quiet parts of the muslim world sometime soon? Their schools, shrines, marketplaces, restaurants, and mosques can become targets of terror too.

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War on terror is about as winnable as the war on drugs and the war on organized crime. It can be contained, sometimes, and casualties reduced, but it will never be won. As long as there are wackos with causes, there will be terrorists.

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War on terror is about as winnable as the war on drugs and the war on organized crime.  It can be contained, sometimes, and casualties reduced, but it will never be won.  As long as there are wackos with causes, there will be terrorists.


Alright, who broke into Debbie's house and used her computer to type a sensible post?

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