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States with the Dumbest Drivers

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The problem is two fold.  First, it's everyone jamming over to the left as soon as they see the sign. It's further magnified by the guys that want to fly up the right hand lane as far as they can, requiring those that had actually gotten over prior to slamming into the crane to slow down and let them in.



Actually, it all boils down to the fact that no one on the road understands the meaning of "alternate merge". Using both lanes and letting one from each lane at a time keeps the traffic moving well (if slowly) and keeps backups from getting excessive. Having either idiots that either don't allow a car to merge (or stop and let six or eight people merge, which I've seen happen) or fly down the closing lane and then try to cut people off is what makes construction zones a mess.

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Actually, it all boils down to the fact that no one on the road understands the meaning of "alternate merge".  Using both lanes and letting one from each lane at a time keeps the traffic moving well (if slowly) and keeps backups from getting excessive.  Having either idiots that either don't allow a car to merge (or stop and let six or eight people merge, which I've seen happen) or fly down the closing lane and then try to cut people off is what makes construction zones a mess.




See, that kind of stuff is really just common sense to me. That's the type of thing you learn at 16 that should be fully ingrained into your head. I always let my "person" go. What happens then is that the 6 people behind him see the dude in the XTerra with the Bills plate let someone in, so they all try to cram up in front of me.


Your turn, his turn, your turn, my turn.


Traffic sucks everywhere I think. Someone is always clueless. This brings me back to that whole "Move to montana and live off of granola, creek water, and bear meat" idea I've had.



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See, that kind of stuff is really just common sense to me.  That's the type of thing you learn at 16 that should be fully ingrained into your head.  I always let my "person" go.  What happens then is that the 6 people behind him see the dude in the XTerra with the Bills plate let someone in, so they all try to cram up in front of me.


Your turn, his turn, your turn, my turn. 


Traffic sucks everywhere I think. Someone is always clueless. This brings me back to that whole "Move to montana and live off of granola, creek water, and bear meat" idea I've had.





I'm thinking Costa Rica. Warm winds and dusky maidens doing my driving for me. And, at the rate the world is going-might be sooner than later.

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Traffic sucks everywhere I think. Someone is always clueless. This brings me back to that whole "Move to montana and live off of granola, creek water, and bear meat" idea I've had.




That'd be a great idea except bear meat pretty much sucks. Change to elk or caribou.

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Absolutely, 100% correct that the Rhode Island drivers are the dumbest in this country (and perhaps anywhere).  I went to college in Rhode Island and I can attest to that - they are horrible, clueless, idiotic and uncoordinated.



Massachusetts is much worse.


And I'm Shocked SHOCKED that Florida isnt #1.

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That'd be a great idea except bear meat pretty much sucks.  Change to elk or caribou.




Yup, I've had it... once. From what I remember, it was a greasy mess. Bears are fat.



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Some of us midwesterners say that about Ohio drivers and their driving ability or lack thereof.  But they are not completely at fault as apparently car manufacturers do not put turn signals on the cars they sell in Ohio.


By the way, I really like Ohio - and once they stop issuing drivers licenses at the local Wal-Marts and start making Ohio drivers actually take a test to drive I will start loving them!  - All in good fun. :)



I agree. I have to go through Ohio several times a year, and that is the most irritating 26o some odd miles in the world.

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I returned from a trip to New Jersey to visit the Father-in-law. Pennsylvania drivers are the worst. They sit in the left hand lane going 66 mph trying to pass a semi truck and cause bottle necks. Try passing a PA driver and watch them find the gas petal and speed up. UGH!

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