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Conrad Dobler

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No, but according to the link on TBD this morning, the segment will be repeated during the Sunday PM Sportscenter (I assume the early one -- 6:00 or whenever it airs).


It is truly a sad story...go to the link on TBD's front page from yesterday and it will show the Buffalo News article.



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If you can, catch the story about C Dobler on ESPN. Emphasis on story is about his wife, who broke her neck and damaged her spinal cord. Paralyzed from the neck down. This has taken a lot out of Conrad financially, emotionally, etc. Daughter got accepted to USC, but CD can't afford to have her go there (will go to Miami of OH in fall). Med bills are approx $750K to date.

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It was an excellent feature. Glad they could show another side of a man of whom my overriding memory is his getting three CONSECUTIVE leg-whipping penalties against the Cowboys. :w00t:


Just one small niggling point -- Miami of Ohio is, I think, a better school than USC (unless his daughter plans to play football, which I doubt).

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I worked at a Denny's in the 70's. In the company newsletter, they had an article on him and Dierdork going into a St. Louis Denny's and ordering one of everything on the menu. Together they ate it all.

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