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quick question -- what's the big deal about seeing it first?  it's not a live event -- it's a MOVIE.  you can see it any time you want after tonight.  it's not even as if you can party -- you're sitting there quietly watching a flick.  is anyone really going to be impressed that you saw it at the first showing?


i guess if you want to go see the goofballs in their costumes it's an experience, but really, that's about the only reason i can come up with.


sporting events, concerts, plays, etc., are all live events where you have an opportunity to see something that will happen one time only.  but making an extra effort to be the "first" to see a movie you can watch a thousand more times?  color me confused.  and i'm an admitted star wars fan.


mind you, i'm not telling anyone not to do it; i'm just curious as to the motivation behind it because it seems really odd.



Don't look for logic - there's no logic in being a football fan either - also an odd thing, I suppose.


Myself, I'm happy for folks that take such enjoyment in these flicks. I hope they all have a great time, and that the theaters have a young army of workers to man the concession stands!

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Aww, go ahead.  Tell us not to do it.  It's okay.



no, no, really, that's my point. i know people do kooky things. god knows i have. i just wondered if anyone can put it into words why seeing a movie "first" is so important.

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no, no, really, that's my point.  i know people do kooky things.  god knows i have.  i just wondered if anyone can put it into words why seeing a movie "first" is so important.




Difficult to say, I guess. For me, Star Wars is a part of my childhood, so these movies are special. These are the ones I go to see when they open, since I don't want to wait until they've been out for weeks or even for it to be released on the premium channels, like I do for most movies.

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Difficult to say, I guess.  For me, Star Wars is a part of my childhood, so these movies are special.  These are the ones I go to see when they open, since I don't want to wait until they've been out for weeks or even for it to be released on the premium channels, like I do for most movies.



Exactly. The only reason I'm going on Friday is because I wanted an excuse to take a day off of work.


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Exactly. The only reason I'm going on Friday is because I wanted an excuse to take a day off of work.





Why not take Thursday off instead and go to the midnight (or shortly after) show? Had I not just used a bunch of credit hours to go to Buffalo a few weeks ago, I would've taken off both Thursday and Friday.

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What is the big deal about writing a review with spoilers? If you don't want to be spoiled by any review or any spoiler, you could always just NOT CLICK ON THE THREAD! If you're a Frank Costanza type who "likes to go in fresh", then don't tempt yourself by going in to a thread where potential spoilers could be. It's like going to a strip club saying you don't want to see any naked women, and then getting mad when you see one.

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Why not take Thursday off instead and go to the midnight (or shortly after) show?  Had I not just used a bunch of credit hours to go to Buffalo a few weeks ago, I would've taken off both Thursday and Friday.



Because I'd rather have the long weekend and can't take two days off.

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What is the big deal about writing a review with spoilers?  If you don't want to be spoiled by any review or any spoiler, you could always just NOT CLICK ON THE THREAD!  If you're a Frank Costanza type who "likes to go in fresh", then don't tempt yourself by going in to a thread where potential spoilers could be.  It's like going to a strip club saying you don't want to see any naked women, and then getting mad when you see one.



OOOOR, you could just not post the spoilers in the first place or color them lightly.

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What is the big deal about writing a review with spoilers?  If you don't want to be spoiled by any review or any spoiler, you could always just NOT CLICK ON THE THREAD!  If you're a Frank Costanza type who "likes to go in fresh", then don't tempt yourself by going in to a thread where potential spoilers could be.  It's like going to a strip club saying you don't want to see any naked women, and then getting mad when you see one.



Not only that, but how can anyone really spoil this movie? We already know what is going to happen. Sure there could be little things, but so what?


Spoiler: Chewbacca gets mange in this movie

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Because I'd rather have the long weekend and can't take two days off.




That's a good reason. I wish I did have enough credit time banked up to take 2 days off. I don't, so I only took off Thursday. I need to keep my annual leave for when Psycho Ward 86 and I go to New Orleans in a few months.

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I went to the premier of the Matrix 2. Talk about a waste of time....the reason I did that was because I absolutely loved the Matrix and I had been anticipating the second one coming out for so long.

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Never quite understood why people HAD to see the first showing, other than to say they did, to impress people, I guess. Who remembers, or cares?


If I go a week or month later it would still be the same movie that people stood in line and up until midnight+ for.

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quick question -- what's the big deal about seeing it first?  it's not a live event -- it's a MOVIE.  you can see it any time you want after tonight.  it's not even as if you can party -- you're sitting there quietly watching a flick.  is anyone really going to be impressed that you saw it at the first showing?


i guess if you want to go see the goofballs in their costumes it's an experience, but really, that's about the only reason i can come up with.


sporting events, concerts, plays, etc., are all live events where you have an opportunity to see something that will happen one time only.  but making an extra effort to be the "first" to see a movie you can watch a thousand more times?  color me confused.  and i'm an admitted star wars fan.


mind you, i'm not telling anyone not to do it; i'm just curious as to the motivation behind it because it seems really odd.



I agree. It's a little perplexing isn't it? :D

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Never quite understood why people HAD to see the first showing, other than to say they did, to impress people, I guess. Who remembers, or cares? 


If I go a week or month later it would still be the same movie that people stood in line and up until midnight+ for.



It's the same as lining up for a new CD. It's your connection to your favorite thing or something you enjoy very much. I didn't do it to "brag" I did it because I was jonesing to see the movie. As I'm sure most people will be doing tonight.

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im going, only cus a friend of mine was buying tickets and called me and said, "hey, you want me to buy you a ticket?"


am i going to say no??? i dont think so. :D


im surpriesed he didnt have to stand in line at all..

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Friday for me.


Can we agree ahead of time to post NO reviews until a week after the opening?



Also make sure to label all threads related to SW as SPOILERS. No posting a subject line of "WOW! Darth Vader killed Yoda!!!!" or anything like that. Some of us won't be seeing the movie for a week or two after the release.



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Excerpt from "That's Life", by Frank Sinatra.


"That’s life, funny as it seems.

Some people get their kicks,

Stompin’ on a dream,"


I'm dismayed at those who want to criticize down to the atomic level, the simple fact that a goodly number of posters are looking forward to some innocent pleasure.


I'd rather be around them than a bunch of numbnut naysayers. :D

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Excerpt from "That's Life", by Frank Sinatra.


"That’s life, funny as it seems.

Some people get their kicks,

Stompin’ on a dream,"


I'm dismayed at those who want to criticize down to the atomic level, the simple fact that a goodly number of posters are looking forward to some innocent pleasure.


I'd rather be around them than a bunch of numbnut naysayers. :D




I don't know why you'd rather be around those types of pepole than numbnut naysayers. It just doesn't make sense to me. Even if it's just some innocent pleasure for them, it's still the same innocent pleasure they can have in a week or two or three or eight or twelve or ...

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