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Common Sense Factual Contradictions to the Implementation of the "Liberal Electric Agenda" Without a Common Sense Factual Based Plan !!

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We have seen in the past 2+ years of the new POTUS & are now paying for decisions made based on a agenda & the implementation of these decisions with out much if any fore thought or plan to have these decisions succeed it seems that success isn't a part of the over all plan the only thing that matters is just that the "Agenda" .


I think we all can agree that if there is something we can do to stop polluting mother earth & its atmosphere that has a sound set of facts & actions to take to actually accomplish a goal we would be all for it but this POTUS doesn't work that way . It's like he's throwing darts at a dart board in hopes of having something work & to this point, well just look at the polls & they will tell us all what some 88% of Americans think of his presidency so far .


Heres someone that has done some apparent research on what & how to go about implementing some of the ideas within this administrations agenda (which to some here it will make no difference) but it can't & won't happen as soon as this leader thinks it will & will be much more expensive & time consuming .


If they would do the research success could happen quicker with what is available now while slowly implementing the rest of the agenda .


(but refer to the first paragraph) 




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On 7/15/2022 at 3:52 PM, Tiberius said:

Trump had his ex-wife murdered!!! 


Your a jack ass of epic proportions !! 


But it does figure you have absolutely no argument for what someone much smarter than you that brings actual facts to the table to dispute you & your buddies leaders of which you all voted for agenda . 


Same as it ever was !! 

Edited by T master
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Figures once again crickets & nothing but stupid reply's that have no substance or relevance from the Bideznmiester's followers when it comes too a common sense explanation of what can truly help a so called problem .

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