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Tech Question;CD repair kits


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Ive noticed alot of my CD's seem to skip and my CD burner is very touchy about it and I waste alot of blank CD's. Im considering buying one of those Cd skip doctor devices. If anyone has used one of these with success or has any advice on this topic, it would surley be appreciated. Oh yeah, GO BILLS!!!

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I had one a while ago. If the CD is only slightly scratched, like scratched enough to screw up a burn, but not scratched enough to skip in a normal cd player, then they work well. It just buffs the entire surface to make it smooth all around. If there's a deep scratch, they don't work at all.

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Try car wax or tooth paste, they usually do the job.  :flirt:



Also, if you're ambituous, you can try lightly searing the surface of the CD with a blowtorch. As the plastic melts and hardens it fills in the scratches, even deep ones.


If you do it right. :w00t:

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