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FSU's QB Chris Rix Undrafted

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My sister is a TA down at FSU and she tutored quite a few athletes including Rix, she said Rix was dumber than a brick and would only show up half the time.  She had no problem with any of the others.



Not surprising considering he would park in handicap spaces...

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...who would want to take a chance on that guy?  Rix is dumber than a box of rocks.  If he couldn't beat the college Dieami, what chance does he have of beating the pro one?


Probably a better chance.


The Hurricanes can beat the Dolphins at this point.

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That may well be very true.  At FSU Rix must have praticed well to stay the #1 QB.  If he practices well with SD he just might make the team.  However, his mechanics are super bad, bad to the bone.



in all honestly, his best chance of making the team would be at another position like WR...hes got the skills, and SD needs WR help...or possibly a safety...

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I don't know who called you stupid, Surf. I don't think I even read your prediction because I didn't care. I never thought much of Rix. The consensus is right. He has all the physical tools and an unbelievable knack for doing something stupid at the most critical times.

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